Friday, 2 May 2008

2nd May 2008

2nd May, 2008.

Dear Parent/Carer,


Occasionally during discussions with parents, we are told that advice has been given to children to ‘hit back’ if they have been hurt. This advice does not support our behaviour policy and makes it very difficult to resolve situations fairly. The best advice parents can give, is to make sure their child tells an adult immediately if they have been hurt. Any problems can be then dealt with swiftly.

Collecting children from school

To ensure the safety of all children we must insist of the following:

· Children can only be collected by legal parent/carers if the school is informed by telephone or letter – no verbal messages to staff other than office staff
· If you wish another adult (even Grandparents) to collect your child on regular basis, we need written permission

Thank you for you co-operation.

School Uniform

It has come to me attention that girls have started wearing leggings as wear as their dresses/skirts. Leggings are not part of school uniform. Tights are a perfectly acceptable alternative.

My First Poem

Some of the children’s work for ‘My First Poem’ series has been selected for publication in
one of the books representing the best of the children’s work. The children were helped to
write their first poem and dedicate it to someone special, and here are the names:

Lara Brown, Jeleil Manmohan, Jordan Toy, Emily Webb, James Ayton-Lambourne, Alfie Ferris, Harry Barton, Charlotte Petrie, Andre Chipperfield, Luke Briones, Johann Manosh
Jakub Spocinski, Hannah Richards, Tejal Sebastian, Izza Chaudhry, Bethany Prasad, Samuel Toye, Geore Hickey and Joseph Calloway.

Postponed School Trips

The postponed educational school trips will now take place:-

Bristol Zoo – Mrs Rollings and Miss Wrigth’s Class – Tuesday 20th May
SS Great Britian – Mrs Ford and Mr Sherwin’s Class – Tuesday 20th May

School Activemark 2007
We are proud to announce the school has been awarded this prestigious mark.
This mark was awarded due to the high quality PE and school sport enjoyed by children in school and in after school activities. Well done to all the children and staff and Mr. Tilmouth who has led the improvement in PE this year.

Dates for Diaries

Wednesday 7th May Joseph Performance at St Joseph’s Old People’s Home
Monday 12th May Start of KS2 SATS week
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Rollings/Miss Wright’s – Bristol Zoo
Tuesday 20th May Mrs Ford/Mr Sherwin’s – SS Great Britian
Friday 23rd May End of Term 5 – School closes
Monday 2nd June INSERVICE DAY
Monday 2nd June Start of Term 6 Wednesday 11th June Y6 – Bristol Cathedral
Wednesday 18th June Y6 – Leavers Mass (Clifton Cathedral)
Saturday 21st June Summer Fayre
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays.

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