27th June, 2008.
Dear Parent/Carer.
Parish Fayre
The Parish Fayre takes place tomorrow at 2pm and the school will be running a Grocery Stall. There are lots of other exciting activities planned, so please come and support the parish!
Y6 Performance
The date for the afternoon performance has been changed to Thursday 24th July at 2.00pm.
Fruit in School
A reminder that pupils are allowed fresh fruit at playtime - not fruit bars or other alternatives.
Personal Property
This week, we have unfortunately had a child’s bicycle damaged in the cycle shelter. All children are banned from this area during the school day and we are looking at other ways to make this area more secure.
Whilst we do everything to secure personal property brought into the school, can I remind parents that we can accept no financial responsibility for property lost or damaged whilst in school.
Year 5 Cycle Training
We still have some places available for cycle training later this term. Please see the school office if your child is interested – we will not be offering cycle training to Year 6 next year!
Deanfield Studies Centre
The next instalment for the Year 5/6 residential trip to Deanfield Studies Centre is due next week.
Responsible Internet Use
We have sent out second copies of letters to parents in Key Stage 2. There are still some outstanding - please return as soon as possible. KS1 and Foundation Stage internet letters will be sent home on Monday.
School Crossing Patrol
We are pleased to announce we have a new crossing patrol person who will be starting next Tuesday. Her name is Pauline Sheere. We would like to welcome Pauline to our school community.
Celebration of Achievements
Sydney-Kay Haberfield, Stephanie Williams, Jordan Toy, Hannah Richards, Ellie Ayton, Edward Dimuna, Theo Allen, Ellie Scammell, Amelianya Cachia, William Munro, Lauren Woodruff and Samantha Masenyama
All are welcome to Monday morning’s Celebration Assembly.
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 2nd July Cake and School Uniform Sale
Thursday 3rd July Junior’s Prize Bingo Night
Saturday 5th July PTFA Summer Social
Thursday 17th July Sports Day
Wednesday 23rd July Year 6 Performance to Parents (7.00pm)
Thursday 24th July Year 6 Performance to Parents (2.00pm)
Friday 24th July Leavers Mass (9.30am in Parish Church)
Friday 25th July End of Term 6 – Summer Holidays (Hooray!!)
Term and Holiday Dates 2008/2009
· Term 1 Wednesday 3 September to Friday 24 October 2008
· Term 2 Wednesday 5 November to Friday 19 December 2008
· Term 3 Monday 5 January to Friday 13 February 2009
· Term 4 Monday 23 February to Friday 3 April 2009
· Term 5 Monday 20 April to Friday 22 May 2009
· Term 6 Monday 1 June to Friday 24 July 2009
The school year is based on a calendar of 195 days. Five days are to be used for staff professional development which means that schools will be open to receive pupils for the legal minimum of 190 days (380 sessions).
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