2nd April, 2009.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Lenten Service
This will take place in the school hall tomorrow at 2.30pm. As always, you are all welcome.
Mr. Sherwin's Class Assembly will take place tomorrow at 9.10am in the school hall.
Services for Holy Week and Easter
St. Joseph's Parish will be celebrating Easter in Mass at the following times –
Sat 4th/Sun 5th - Mass at 6.00 p.m. (Sat) 10.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. (Sun). Blessing of Palms at all Masses.
Thurs 9th April - Maundy Thursday. Mass of the Last Supper at 7.30 p.m.
Fri 10th April - Good Friday. Stations of the Cross at 10.30 a.m. Service of the Passion and Death of Christ at 3.00 p.m.
Saturday 11th April - Holy Saturday. Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter at 8.00 p.m.
Sunday 12th April - Mass at 10.00 a.m. with the Folk Group and Simple Mass at 6.00pm
Can I encourage all of you to join the Parish at this special time.
School Attendance
Here is the percentage attendance for last week –
Year 1
Year 2F
Year 2S
Year 3/4M
Year 3/4T
Year 3/4B
Year 5/6C
Year 5/6P
Year 5/6J
Apologies and congratulations to Mrs. Rollings class who achieved almost 100% attendance the week before last, (I forgot to put it in the newsletter).
Well done to Reception, Y2S, Y56C and Y56P who achieved 95% or more attendance last week!
EASTER Egg Decorating Competition
50p to enter. Any theme you like! There will 7 winners, 1 for each year group, so get your creative hats on and make sure you have your decorated eggs in school in time for judging, next Friday, 3rd April.
Free Swimming Scheme
From Wednesday 1st April, ‘Free Swimming’ for 16 years and under, as well as 60 and over. You will need to get an ‘Active Card’ from the Leisure Centre, who will explain that you will only be allowed to swim once a day.
There will be no choir on Wednesday 22nd April, (which is the first week back) because of an extra staff meeting. It will be back to normal the following week 29th April, 3.30-4.30pm.
Wear your Wellies Day
On Friday 24th April, is ‘Wear your Wellies to School’ for £1.00 and help raise funds for Children’s Hospice South West. To find out more about Children’s Hospice South West, please visit our website at www.chsw.org.uk
Nice Semi Marathon
Mr Terry is taking part in a Sponsored Marathon, he will be running 13 miles in Nice (South France) Sunday 19th April, 2009.
Mr Terry is a volunteer from HSBC working with the children in money and group work.
The money raised by you will go to ‘For-Ethiopia Charity,’ and HSBC will match money raised. The deadline for returning the sponsorship form and money is the Thursday after the Easter holidays.
For more information visit: www.nicesemimarathon.com
St. Joseph’s School Blog
Recent updates include a message and photos from Mrs. Joseph who is on a learning visit to France, writing and video From Y2 about the fire of London, Year 1 writing using alliteration, writing and photos from last weeks visit from Avon Fire and Rescue, some great advert writing and multimedia by Y56, news of an ex-pupils adventures on national television and pictures of a strange masked man wielding a sword!
Please log-on and see what we are doing in school.
Have a great Easter break.
Best wishes
Matt Condon
Dates for Diaries
Friday 3rd April – 9.15am - Y2S Class Assembly
Friday 3rd April – 2.30pm - Holy Week Service (in school hall)
Friday 3rd April – End of Term 4
Monday 20th April – Start of Term 5
Friday 1st May - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Monday 29th June - Mass for Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul
Monday 13th July - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Friday 24th July – End of school year
Thursday 3rd September - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Friday 4th September - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Monday 7th September 2009 – Start of term 1
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