14th May, 2009.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Class 3/4B Invite to Parents
Parent/carer/grandparents are invited into Mrs Bell’s Year 3 Literacy Group on Tuesday, 19th May at 11.30-12.30 to share and enjoy their children’s work on penguins.
After School Clubs
There are still places available on the following after school clubs:-
The next session of Cheerleading starts on the Monday 15th June - 19th July for years 3,4,5 & 6. If you would like your child to participate please complete a consent form (available from the office) and return to the school office together with a payment for £21 by Wednesday 20th May.
The next session of Multi-sports starts on the 9th June - 21st July for years 1,2 & 3. If you would like your child to participate please complete a consent form (available from the office) and return to the school office together with a payment for £17.50 by Wednesday 20th May.
Alpha course
St Joseph’s Church in partnership with Woodlands Christian Centre will be running an Alpha course this coming June and July.
The Alpha course has been running for almost 20 years in the UK. The course is an ideal opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith. People from a wide variety of backgrounds have said that they have benefitted from the course, ranging from those with no church background to those who have been regular church attendees.
There will be six sessions. The course will take place run in the Parish Hall next to St Joseph’s Church on Forest Road from 8.00 to 9.30 pm on alternate Thursday evenings on 21st May, 4th June, 18th June, 2nd July, 16th July and 30th July.
The format of the evening will be coffee and cakes, followed by a short 20 minute talk on a particular topic followed by discussion in smaller groups. We will finish by 9.30pm.
No question is too simple or too hostile. There won’t be any “experts” and we promise not to have all the answers!
If you would be interested in coming along it would be helpful if you could contact either Gary or Alison Underhill (9650475 theunderhills@talktalk.net) or Cathy Williamson (tel: 9401782) beforehand.
Adult Cycle Training
Just a reminder that if you are still interested in the adult cycle training, please return your forms to school by Friday 22nd May.
PTFA Book Fair
The PTFA Book Fair starts on Monday, 18th May
PTFA Summer Fiesta
We still have some availability for stall holders for our Summer Fiesta on Saturday 13th June – 1.00-4.00pm. We particularly need art/craft, food etc. The charge is £10.00 per table, plus a donation for the Summer raffle. If you are interested, please leave a message at the office for the PTFA.
We will also be selling programmes on the day with a full itinerary and free entry to the raffle. We hope to sell 8 small adverts on the back of the programme and feel that any parents or carers who run their own businesses and would like to take advertising space should have a chance to do so before we approach local businesses. If you are interested, please contact Andrea via the PTFA pigeonhole, or at info@andrea-butcher.co.uk for further information and rates.
Celebration of Achievements
There will be a celebration assembly next Monday, 18th May at 9.15am. The following children will receive awards:-
Seetal Kaur, Liam Kelly, Ann James, Eddie Brain, Kai Drysdale, Natalia Warmuz and Izza Chaudhry.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 18th May - Book Fair Week
Tuesday 19th May, 9.15am - Y5/6 Mass in Church
Thursday 22nd May - Y2 Avon Valley Country Park
Friday 23rd May - End of Term 5 and Cycle Breakfast
Monday 1st June - Start of Term 6
Wednesday 10th June - Year 6 Bristol Cathedral (Fun Day)
Tuesday 16th June - Year 6 Leavers Mass (1.30pm)
Thursday 18th June - Staff Training Day (School closed)
Monday 29th June - Mass for Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul
Monday 13th July - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Friday 24th July - End of Term 6
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon,
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