Thursday, 21 May 2009

21st May, 2009.

Dear Parent/Carer,

PTFA Summer Festival

WE NEED YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT – If you can spare an hour to help on the Summer Festival it would be much appreciated. Please contact a member of the PTFA or the school office, if you area able to help.

Also we still have some availability for stall holders for our Summer Fiesta on Saturday 13th June – 1.00-4.00pm. We particularly need art/craft, food etc. The charge is £10.00 per table, plus a donation for the Summer raffle.
We will also be selling programmes on the day with a full itinerary and free entry to the raffle. We hope to sell 8 small adverts on the back of the programme and feel that any parents or carers who run their own businesses and would like to take advertising space should have a chance to do so before we approach local businesses. If you are interested, please contact Andrea via the PTFA pigeonhole, or at for further information and rates.

We all hope you all have a good holiday.

Best wishes

Matt Condon

Dates for Diaries

Friday 22nd May - End of Term 5 and Cycle Breakfast
Monday 1st June - Start of Term 6
Tuesday 2nd June - KS1 Mass
Tuesday 2nd June - Cycle Training Year 3/4
Wednesday 3rd June - Cycle Training Year 3/4
Tuesday 9th June - Year 5/6 Mass
Wednesday 10th June - Year 6 Bristol Cathedral (Moving on Day)
Tuesday 16th June - Year 3/4 Mass
Tuesday 16th June - Year 6 Leavers Mass (1.30pm)
Thursday 18th June - Staff Training Day (School closed)
Monday 22nd June - Cycle Training Year 5/6
Tuesday 23rd June - KS1 Mass
Wednesday 24th June - Cycle Training Year 5/6
Monday 29th June - Cycle Training Year 5/6
Monday 29th June - Mass for Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul
Tuesday 30th June - Sports Day
Wednesday 1st July - Cycle Training Year 5/6
Tuesday 7th July - Year 5/6 Mass
Monday 13th July - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Tuesday 14th July - Mass Year 3/4
Friday 24th July - Leavers Mass - End of Term 6

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