23rd June, 2009.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Parish Fair
This Friday (25th June), the children can wear non-uniform if they bring a tin/grocery item for the Parish Fair which is on Saturday 27th June. The fair starts in the parish hall at 2pm. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Religious Education Topic - Neighbours (June 25th-end of term)
The final topic in the Summer term looks at Neighbours. The children learn about their neighbours near and far and explore how they can love and support each other.
Suggestions for home activities
· Talk about how well you know your neighbours and how you support each other.
· As a family, think of ways you can support neighbours around the world.
· Write a prayer together for neighbours around the world.
Class Organisation 2009-2010
Later this term, you will receive your child’s end of year report. This report will include details of your child’s class next year. In preparation for this we can now share the class organisation for next year –
Reception – Miss O’Toole
Year 1 - Miss Wright
Year 2 - Mrs Ford
Year3/4 - Mr Sherwin
Year3/4 - Mrs Rollings and Mrs Joseph (both Assistant Headteachers)
Year 3/4 - Mrs Mantle
Year 5/6 - Mrs Patton
Year 5/6 - Mrs Bell
Year 5/6 - Mr Conlon
We are sad to announce Mr. Tilmouth will be leaving the school in July. He will be continuing his teaching career in Scotland.
Mrs. Workman will be continuing to teach in some classes next year.
Summer Footwear
Recently we announced that during the hot weather sandals are permitted. These sandals must be appropriate for school activities – flip-flops are not appropriate.
Music Tuition
There is still one place left for September in the Drums and also the Keyboard music tuition groups. The tuition is held during the day and costs £65 for 2 terms. If you would like to your child to learn to play either the drums or keyboard please go to the school office to complete a form by Tuesday 30th June at the latest.
Dinner Money
Please can you ensure that all dinner monies are paid on a Monday.
Deanfield Study Centre
The next instalment of £30 is due on the 1st July. Cheques to be made payable to Bristol City Council.
There are still places available for this residential trip. If your child will be in year 5 or 6 in September and you would like to them to attend the trip, please contact the office for further details.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 29th June - Cycle Training Year 5/6
Tuesday 30th June - Sports Day
Wednesday 1st July - Cycle Training Year 5/6
Tuesday 7th July - Year 5/6 MassMonday 13th July - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Thursday 16th July - Reception – Bristol Docks
Friday 17th July - Whole School – Singing Picnic
Friday 24th July - Leavers Mass - End of Term 6
Yours sincerely
Matt Condon
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