Friday, 5 June 2009

21st May, 2009.

Dear Parent/Carer,


WE NEED YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT – If you can spare an hour to help on the Summer Festival, it would be much appreciated. Please contact a member of the PTFA, or the school office, if you are able to help.

The Festival is on Saturday 13th June, 1-4pm. There will be stalls, exhibitions, games, rides, bouncy castle, penalty shoot out, stocks, face painting, a bbq and refreshments. The fire service will be bringing a fire engine. Come and have a go at fencing (which you can book on the day) or just watch some displays from the children. £1 entry for adults including free entry to the raffle, children under 12 FREE. Come along and bring the whole family.

Dean Field Study Centre Trip for Year 5 & 6- February 2010

If you would like your child to participate on the 5 day residential trip please could you ensure that you return the completed slip from the letter sent out this together with a £40 deposit to the school office by Friday 12th June. Places are limited and priority is given to year 6 pupils so please reply promptly.

Music Tuition Lessons

If you would like your child to receive music tuition lessons at a cost of £65 for 2 terms, please return the slip from the letter sent out this week to the school office by Friday 12th June - no payment is required until September

Class Assembly

It is Mrs Rollings Class Assembly on Friday 12th June, at 9.15am. All parent/carers
are welcome.

Mad Science

Due to the recent missed session two extra sessions are planned. The last Mad Science Workshop will now be on Thursday 18th June.

School Crossing Patrol

There will be no school crossing patrol for the morning or afternoon of Tuesday 23rd June.

Security - School Entrances

Could all parent/carers, children use the main entrance only when entering the school. THIS RULE IS ESTABLISHED TO KEEP YOU CHILDREN SAFE IN SCHOOL.

Free Breakfast for Cyclists

Thank you very much to Anstees Bakery and Tesco’s for providing rolls and croissants. It was a great success.

School Appeals

School appeal panel members required. No previous experience necessary as training will be provided. School appeal panel members form an important function in ensuring that the admissions system runs fairly and appropriately.

The time commitment will vary according to individual circumstances and can be discussed. For further details please contact the Department for Schools and Colleges, Alexander House, 160 Pennywell Road, Bristol, BS5 0TX. Telephone 0117 902 5593 or by e-mail to

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 8th June, at 9.15. The following children will receive their headteachers award:-

Luke Staddon, Ida Johansson, Bradley Bembridge, Josmi Saji, Mille, Wiercioch-Giles,
Laura Apperley, Nazish Rehan, Cole Edwards, Iwan Calloway, Alyiah Latif and Estella Maloney-Danvers.

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 9th June - Year 5/6 Mass
Wednesday 10th June - Year 6 Bristol Cathedral (Moving on Day)
Thursday 11th June, 9.15am - Corpus Christi Mass in School Hall
Thursday 11th June, 1.30pm - Sacrament of Reconciliation
Thursday 11th June, 3.30pm - Let’s Get Cooking Community Event
Friday 12th June - Reception Class Assembly
Tuesday 16th June - Year 3/4 Mass
Tuesday 16th June - Year 6 Leavers Mass (1.30pm)
Wednesday 17th June - New Parents Evening
Thursday 18th June - Staff Training Day (School closed)
Monday 22nd June - Cycle Training Year 5/6
Tuesday 23rd June - KS1 Mass
Wednesday 24th June - Cycle Training Year 5/6
Monday 29th June - Cycle Training Year 5/6
Monday 29th June - Mass for Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul
Tuesday 30th June - Sports Day
Wednesday 1st July - Cycle Training Year 5/6
Tuesday 7th July - Year 5/6 Mass
Monday 13th July - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Tuesday 14th July - Mass Year 3/4
Friday 24th July - Leavers Mass - End of Term 6

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,

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