Friday, 24 July 2009

24th July 2009

Dear Parents/Carers

As the year comes to an end…

Welcome to the last newsletter of this academic year. It has been a year of challenge and success. All children have worked hard and are becoming even more successful in their learning. As our present year 6 cohort leave St. Joseph’s, I am very proud to share with you the standards they have achieved in English, Maths and Science –

English level 4+ = 90% (2007 = 77%, 2008 = 80%)
Maths level 4+ = 83% (2007 = 71%, 2008 = 79%)
Science level 4+ = 90% (2007 = 84%, 2008 = 80%)

Well done Year 6!

Also recently, the school received the silver SingUp award, being the first school in Bristol to do so. Congratulations to all children, staff members, and in particular Mrs. Marsh, for achieving this prestigious award.

Please check out the school blog for details of this and lots of other exciting examples of learning this year.

Looking towards the future…

Some of the key areas for school improvement next year, will be –

• Use knowledge of children’s needs more effectively to plan high quality learning experiences, which enable children to make good progress.
• Give children more responsibility for learning, supporting each other and making good progress.
• Sharing children’s learning journey with parents and carers so that they can support their children in making good progress.
• Improve attendance and punctuality.

Of course it’s the time of the year when we not only say goodbye to Year 6, but also some members of staff. Mr Tilmouth took over my class 2 ½ years ago when I suddenly became acting headteacher. He quickly settled into his first teaching post, built good relationships with colleagues, children and parents and demonstrated himself to be a good, focussed teacher, contributing much to the school community. We will all miss him, and wish him luck in his new life in Edinburgh.

I would like to thank you all for your all your hard work and support. We look forward to making 2009-2010 even better year of learning.

Have a safe and happy holiday.

Best wishes

Matt Condon
Headteacher and all the staff of St. Joseph’s.

Sunday, 19 July 2009

17th July 2009

Dear Parent/Carer,

School Reports and Communication

This year’s school reports will be sent out today. We have made some changes, following consultation with parents, and hope they give you a better understanding of your child’s progress across the year. We would appreciate further comments as we always want to improve communication with parents and give you more information about your child’s learning.
In September, we will be repeating the parent information sessions that we introduced this year.
Y1 Assembly

Year 1 will be having a class assembly on Tuesday, 21st July at 9.30am. All parents are welcome.

Reception Courtyard

If any parent/carer can provide any painting, murals, wellies, wheelbarrow, sink, cuttings of plants (smelly ones) to improve the learning environment.
Y6 Leavers Performance
Year 6 performance is on Wednesday 22nd July, at 7.00pm. There are restricted seats for health and safety reasons.


St Matthew’s won the most team points last term, so it will be non-uniform for them next Friday 25th July (date to be checked).

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 20th July, at 9.15. The following children will receive their headteachers award:-

Natalya Thomas, Joe Toye, Leanne Hunt, Megan Harries, Sam Toye, Johann Manosh, Connor Crudge, Kymani Pinnock, Summer Allen, all Reception children,

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 21st July - Y1 Assembly
Wednesday 22nd July - Y6 Performance
Friday 24th July - Leavers Mass 9.30am - End of Term 6
Thursday 3rd September - INSET Day
Friday 4th September - INSET Day
Monday 7th September - Term 1

Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon,

Friday, 10 July 2009

10th July 2009

10th July, 2009

Dear Parent/Carer,

E.Safety Meeting

Apologies, but the meeting will now be on Wednesday is 15th July and not 15th June.
We hope parents can join us to discuss this important issue.

Sing-Up Picnic

If you are able to help with walking down and back from the ‘Singing Picnic’ on Friday 17th July, could you please let the office know by Tuesday 14th July. Attached is a letter from Mrs Marsh with an agenda for the day.

Y1 Assembly

Year 1 will be having a class assembly on Tuesday, 21st July at 9.30am. All parents are welcome. Parents will be welcome afterwards to look at the children’s learning in their books.

Miss O’Toole will not be teaching the class for the remainder of the year due to ill health. We are happy that Miss Wright has returned as their class teacher for the remainder of the school year. We hope Miss O’Toole gets better soon.

Y6 Leavers Performance

Year 6 performance is on Wednesday 22nd July, at 7.00pm. There are restricted seats available for health and safety reasons. 3 tickets will be allocated to each child. Please return any that are not needed.

CRB Checked Volunteers

If you have been CRB checked as a volunteer in the school, please could you let Mrs Gossan in the office have the CRB disclosure number and the date of issue.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Tuesday 14th July, at 9.15. The following children will receive their headteachers award:-

Grace Stepaniuk, Erin brooks, Kamal Smallwood, Darshan Sebastian, Daniel George, Hannah Richards, Own Ridler, Cara Freeth, Jakub Spocinski, Anique Sergeant, Alvin George,Alya Rasul, Olamide Adetayo, Kieron Lindsay-Powell, Laruyn Duffy, Daniel George, Hamda-Sagal Ibrahim Mahamoud

Dates for Diaries

Monday 13th July - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Thursday 16th July - Reception – Bristol Docks
Thursday 16th July - Y3/4 Trip to Longleat
Friday 17th July - Whole School – Singing Picnic
Tuesday 21st July - Y1 Assembly
Wednesday 22nd July - Y6 Performance
Friday 24th July - Leavers Mass 9.30am - End of Term 6
Thursday 3rd September - INSET Day
Friday 4th September - INSET Day
Monday 7th September - Term 1 Starts

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,

Thursday, 9 July 2009

9th July 2009

9th July, 2009.

Dear Parent/Carer,

E.Safety Policy

On Wednesday 15th June, at 9.00am, there is a meeting in the school hall, to discuss St Joseph’s developing it’s E Safety (Internet and Electronic Safety) Policy. We would like to invite parents and carers to meet and discuss any issues or concerns they may have regarding safety on the internet (at home or in school). The meeting will be informal and any input would be really useful.

Look forward to seeing you.

Ed Sherwin
ICT Subject Leader

Summer Social – CANCELLED

The PTFA are sorry to announce that we have had to cancel the summer social as we did not meet our minimum numbers. We would like to apologise to the children, parents & carers who have bought tickets, but you'll appreciate that we cannot not proceed with the event if we can't cover our costs. Anyone who has applied for a ticket will have their money refunded on Friday.

PTFA Pub Quiz

Will be held on Sunday 19th July in the Spotted Cow, Lodge Causeway, Fishponds. Bring your team & meet us in the pub at 8.30.

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

Monday, 6 July 2009

2nd July 2009

2nd July 2009

Dear Parent/Carer,

A message from Maureen Tuohy, parent and governor -

I have always been proud to be a member of St Joseph’s School Community, and I felt especially proud at the PTFA’s Summer Festival.

The hard work of the PTFA produced a day which was buzzing with a holiday atmosphere and was enjoyed by all.

I felt really proud of the most important members of our community – the children of St Joseph’s. Their fabulous contributions of singing, cheerleading, dancing, inventive money making games and most of all HAVING FUN - made the day a great success!!!.

Well done. Proud parent and Governor.

Parental Behaviour in Playground

If adults witness something inappropriate happening in the playground, they should report the incident to the school immediately. Under no circumstances should a problem be dealt with by the parent directly, even if involves their own child.

Failure to follow these directives will result in a fixed term ban from the school grounds and buildings.

School Attendance

Here is the overall percentage attendance for this academic year –

Reception 91.5%
Year 1 92.5
Year 2F 94.8%
Year 2S 91.3%
Year 3/4M 93.1%
Year 3/4T 94.1%
Year 3/4B 94.7%
Year 5/6C 93.7%
Year 5/6P 94.4%
Year 5/6J 93.5%

Well done to all classes who achieved over 94%. Next year we need all classes to achieve over 95% attendance.

School Trips

I am happy to say that the trip to Weston and Longleat will be going ahead due to the majority of cost being funded by your contributions. Thank you all.

Bike Shelter

As some of you know, we are planning to build a second bike shelter. This is because of the large amount of children who are now cycling to school. Currently there is not enough room for all the bikes in the shed so children can store bikes behind the mobile classrooms if they wish. All school gates are locked 9.30am – 3pm.

Unfortunately the school cannot take responsibility for property stored on the school grounds.

School Meal Prices

From the 1st September the price of school meals will increase by 10p to £2.10. May I take this opportunity to remind you that dinner money is payable in advance on the first day of each week.

CRB Checked Volunteers

If you have been CRB checked as a volunteer in the school, please could you let Mrs Gossan in the office have the CRB disclosure number and the date of issue.

Mini Fair

On Wednesday 17th June, a mini fair took place in the school hall, where the year 5/6 used their stalls from the Summer Festival to raise money for subsidising the overall cost of the school trips. We managed to raise £230.00.

Year 6 Leavers

A reminder that a party has been organised by the ‘parents’ of year 6 leavers at St Joseph’s Pre School Hall on Friday 24th July – 6.30-9.30pm. Tickets can be purchased from the school office. Prices are £4.00 for a family ticket and £2.00 for an individual ticket. A list is in the office where parents can put their name alongside food they will be able to provide.

New Academic Year

The new academic year is due to start on Thursday 3rd September. This year the first two days of term (3rd and 4th September) will be used as staff training days. This means the children will start school on Monday 7th September.

Summer Social

There are still tickets left for the Summer Social, next Saturday, 11th July, 7-10pm. Tickets cost £3.50 for adults, £2.00 for children and £10.00 for a family ticket (2 adults, 2 children). Under 4s are free. Please send your ticket requests with payment to the office. Cheques made payable to St Josephs PTFA.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 6th July, at 9.15. The following children will receive their headteachers award:-

Stephanie Williams, Paige Dwyer,

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 7th July - Year 5/6 Mass
Wednesday 8th July - Y1 Trip to Weston-Super-Mare
Monday 13th July - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Thursday 16th July - Reception – Bristol Docks
Thursday 16th July - Y3/4 Trip to Longleat
Friday 17th July - Whole School – Singing Picnic
Friday 24th July - Leavers Mass - End of Term 6
Monday 7th September - Start of term 1

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,