Friday, 10 July 2009

10th July 2009

10th July, 2009

Dear Parent/Carer,

E.Safety Meeting

Apologies, but the meeting will now be on Wednesday is 15th July and not 15th June.
We hope parents can join us to discuss this important issue.

Sing-Up Picnic

If you are able to help with walking down and back from the ‘Singing Picnic’ on Friday 17th July, could you please let the office know by Tuesday 14th July. Attached is a letter from Mrs Marsh with an agenda for the day.

Y1 Assembly

Year 1 will be having a class assembly on Tuesday, 21st July at 9.30am. All parents are welcome. Parents will be welcome afterwards to look at the children’s learning in their books.

Miss O’Toole will not be teaching the class for the remainder of the year due to ill health. We are happy that Miss Wright has returned as their class teacher for the remainder of the school year. We hope Miss O’Toole gets better soon.

Y6 Leavers Performance

Year 6 performance is on Wednesday 22nd July, at 7.00pm. There are restricted seats available for health and safety reasons. 3 tickets will be allocated to each child. Please return any that are not needed.

CRB Checked Volunteers

If you have been CRB checked as a volunteer in the school, please could you let Mrs Gossan in the office have the CRB disclosure number and the date of issue.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Tuesday 14th July, at 9.15. The following children will receive their headteachers award:-

Grace Stepaniuk, Erin brooks, Kamal Smallwood, Darshan Sebastian, Daniel George, Hannah Richards, Own Ridler, Cara Freeth, Jakub Spocinski, Anique Sergeant, Alvin George,Alya Rasul, Olamide Adetayo, Kieron Lindsay-Powell, Laruyn Duffy, Daniel George, Hamda-Sagal Ibrahim Mahamoud

Dates for Diaries

Monday 13th July - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Thursday 16th July - Reception – Bristol Docks
Thursday 16th July - Y3/4 Trip to Longleat
Friday 17th July - Whole School – Singing Picnic
Tuesday 21st July - Y1 Assembly
Wednesday 22nd July - Y6 Performance
Friday 24th July - Leavers Mass 9.30am - End of Term 6
Thursday 3rd September - INSET Day
Friday 4th September - INSET Day
Monday 7th September - Term 1 Starts

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,

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