Sunday, 19 July 2009

17th July 2009

Dear Parent/Carer,

School Reports and Communication

This year’s school reports will be sent out today. We have made some changes, following consultation with parents, and hope they give you a better understanding of your child’s progress across the year. We would appreciate further comments as we always want to improve communication with parents and give you more information about your child’s learning.
In September, we will be repeating the parent information sessions that we introduced this year.
Y1 Assembly

Year 1 will be having a class assembly on Tuesday, 21st July at 9.30am. All parents are welcome.

Reception Courtyard

If any parent/carer can provide any painting, murals, wellies, wheelbarrow, sink, cuttings of plants (smelly ones) to improve the learning environment.
Y6 Leavers Performance
Year 6 performance is on Wednesday 22nd July, at 7.00pm. There are restricted seats for health and safety reasons.


St Matthew’s won the most team points last term, so it will be non-uniform for them next Friday 25th July (date to be checked).

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 20th July, at 9.15. The following children will receive their headteachers award:-

Natalya Thomas, Joe Toye, Leanne Hunt, Megan Harries, Sam Toye, Johann Manosh, Connor Crudge, Kymani Pinnock, Summer Allen, all Reception children,

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 21st July - Y1 Assembly
Wednesday 22nd July - Y6 Performance
Friday 24th July - Leavers Mass 9.30am - End of Term 6
Thursday 3rd September - INSET Day
Friday 4th September - INSET Day
Monday 7th September - Term 1

Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon,

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