Dear Parents and Carers,
School Mass – Mothering Sunday
The school community will be leading a special Mass in Church this Sunday. It would be great to see lots of families from the school community attending this special Mothering Sunday Mass, which will begin at 10am.
School Attendance
Well done to Mrs Bell’s class for achieving almost 99% attendance. Mrs Ford’s class achieved 95.5%. Unfortunately due to illness, attendance was lower than usual in all other classes.
Can I remind you all that the school office must be contacted immediately if your child is unable to attend school.
Jewellery Recycling Week
Your child will have brought home a bag for your unwanted jewellery this week - the items that can be accepted are listed on the bag. Please could you ensure that bags are returned by Friday 19th March. A prize draw will take place for all returned bags to win one of two art pencil sets - the winners will be announced in the newsletter.
Dinner Money
Can I remind you that dinner money must be paid on a Monday in a named envelope and either posted through the office letter box or given to the class teacher. Dinner money envelopes are available from the office.
Packed Lunches
As the school kitchen is only obliged to provide cutlery for those children having a hot school dinner and we have two sittings, we are often unable to supply children having packed lunches with a spoon. If your child has anything in their packed lunch that requires eating with a spoon, please provide one in their lunch box.
Cookathon – 16th March
We are holding an all day Cookathon for the children in KS2. If you are able to spare half an hour during the 16th March to help out with cooking, please speak to Sharon Hood in the playground or give your name into the office together with the time that you are available.
Stanger Danger
This week we have been reminding all children that they are only to leave school with the person who is authorised to take them home – this is usually the parent or carer. If anybody else approaches them, even if they are known, children must immediately return to their class teacher. Please inform the class teacher if anybody different is collecting your child from school.
Celebration of Achievements
There will be a celebration assembly next Monday, 8th March at 9.15am. The following children will receive awards:-
Nuala Wallace, Milly Wiecioch-Giles, Meigan Westlake, Jane Campos, Hannah Richards, Isaac Allen and Ailis Tuohy.
Dates for Diaries
Sunday 14th March - School Mass in Church
Tuesday 16th March - Year 5 and 6 Mass in Church
Tuesday 16th March - Cookathon
Tuesday 30th March - Holy week Mass in the school hall
Thursday 1st April - End of Term 4
Monday 19th April - Start of Term 5
Thursday 27th May - End of Term 5
Friday 28th May - Staff Training Day - Science and Technology Focus – School Closed
Best wishes
Matt Condon
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