Monday, 29 March 2010

26th March 2010

Dear Parent/Carer,

School Attendance

Well done all for much improved attendance last week. Mr Sherwin's class had 96%, Mrs Mantle's and Mrs Patton's classes had 97% and Mr Conlon's and Mrs Rolling's had an amazing 98%!

After School Clubs

May I remind you that the following after school clubs will be running after the Easter holidays. If there are not enough participants, the clubs will have to be cancelled. Forms are available from the porch and need to be returned by Wednesday 31st March:-
Monday Years 3-6 Gymnastics
Tuesday Years 1-3 Multi-sports
Thursday Years 3-6 Fencing

Dinner Money

Please could you ensure that all dinner money arrears are paid by Monday 29th March. May I remind you that dinner money must be paid on a Monday in a named envelope and not as loose change, to the school office or the class teacher.

Proposed Road alterations on Fishponds Road and Stapleton Road

Bristol City Council are proposing a number of alterations to the road layout along Fishponds Road and Stapleton Road. These proposals are designed to enhance public transport and cyclists/walkers and include restrictions for car drivers, plus 24 hour bus lanes and bus lane extensions.
A consultation period is running until April 9th, so you can comment any time up until then. There is a consultation leaflet available from the Bristol City Council website: and click on the Stapleton Road/Fishponds Road link at the top.
Alternatively, you can visit the Project Information Centre on the corner of Fishponds Road and Elmgrove Road and pick up a leaflet there. The Project Information Centre is open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10am - 4pm (8pm on Thursdays).

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 29th March at 9.15am, and the following children will receive their headteachers award:-
Ollie Louch, Liam Rice, Rachel Butcher, Ben Underhill, Luke Staddon, Mateusz Klamanski, David Wabissa, Issy Poole, Aaron Tarr, Taychon Graham, Anna Galvin and Joseph Calloway.

Dates for Diaries
Thursday 1st April - End of Term 4Monday 19th April - Start of Term 5
Saturday 24th April - First Holy Communion Preparation
Saturday 8th May - First Holy Communion Preparation
Thursday 27th May - End of Term 5
Friday 28th May - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Science and technology focus

Best wishes

Matt Condon

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