Thursday, 1 April 2010

1st April, 2010

Dear Parent/Carer,

Can I take this opportunity to thank you for all your hard work and support this term. Here are some of the highlights of school life, since February (pictures off Blog)

An unexpected guest
A visit from Dr. Bike
Wheely Good Inventions
E-Safety Week
Holy week
Sing Up Day
Pop Art
Swinging Sixties Project
Pop Art Project

Team Points
Swinging SixtiesWell done to the winners of the competition for terms 4 and 5 – St John’s Team. They will be enjoying an extra non uniform day on Friday 30th April.

School Attendance
Well done everybody! School attendance improved between terms 3 and terms 4 from 92.7% to 94.3%.

Last week Mrs Patton’s and Mrs Joseph’s class had 97% attendance and Mrs Rolling’s and Mrs Mantle’s class had 98%!

Student Teachers
After the Easter holiday we will be welcoming Miss Miller-Smith to the team as a student teacher. Miss Miller-Smith will be working with Mrs Joseph teaching Years 3 and 4.

The school raised £136 for Cafod last week. Also a massive thanks to Mrs Bell’s class who also raised £107 for the Bee Keeping Project in Uganda.

Dates for Diaries
Thursday 1st April - End of Term 4
Monday 19th April - Start of Term 5
Saturday 24th April - First Holy Communion Preparation
Saturday 8th May - First Holy Communion Preparation
Thursday 27th May - End of Term 5
Friday 28th May - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Science and technology focus
Happy Easter

Matt Condon, Headteacher

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