Monday, 17 May 2010

14th May 2010

Dear Parent/Carer,

Dealing with Disagreements

If any parent has a significant concern which relates to children or the parents/carers of children attending the school, then the school must be informed so that appropriate action can be taken.
If parents/carers decide to take action without the school’s support (on or off the school premises) then a great deal of unnecessary upset can be caused. These situations are obviously very difficult to deal with, but in extreme cases the school can take preventative action by restricting adults’ access to the school and its grounds.
Obviously we hope that if we all treat each other with respect and consideration, the school does not have to take such action.

School Attendance

Well done to Mrs Patton’s, Mrs Bell’s and Mr Sherwin’s class for achieving over 94% attendance, Miss Wright’s and Mr Conlon’s classes for achieving almost 96% attendance and Mrs Ford’s class up from 94% last week to 97%!

Good attendance this year will be celebrated in a special assembly on Monday 28th June.

Special Ethiopia Assembly

On Friday 21st May at 9.15am, we will be holding a special assembly launching a new project supporting the charity ‘for-ethiopia’. During Christmas of last year, Jack and Ben Underhill visited the village of Addis Alem with their family. This is the community which St. Joseph’s has supported over the years through a range of fund raising activities, including the famous Water Walks! In this assembly Jack and Ben will present an amazing film they made during their visit and we will talk about plans for the future, which include learning partnerships and Water Walk 2010! Please come and join us and learn about our plans and this fascinating country.
For parents who are unable to attend the morning’s assembly, the film will also be shown in school on Friday afternoon at 3pm.

Bike Ride

Bristol's biggest bike ride takes place on Sunday 20th June. This is a great opportunity to join in with the rest of Bristol on a fun bike ride of your choice – the rides range from 9 to 38 miles. Check out for more information.

200 Club

1st Prize Mrs K. Smith - £14.00, 2nd Prize Mrs M. Hawkins - £ 9.33, 3rd Prize Mrs R. Lacey - £4.67


A letter is attached, inviting children Year 3-6 to join this new club.

Special Ethiopia Assembly

On Friday 21st May, at 9.15am we will be holding a special assembly launching a new project supporting the charity ‘for-ethiopia’. During Christmas of last year, Jack and Ben Underhill visited the village of Addis Alem with their family. This is the community which St. Joseph’s has supported over the years through a range of fund raising activities, including the famous Water Walks! In this assembly Jack and Ben will present an amazing film they made during their visit and we will talk about plans for the future, which include learning partnerships and Water Walk 2010! Please come and join us and learn about our plans and this fascinating country. Parents are also welcome to view the film in the school hall at 3.00pm.

School Disco

The School Disco in next Friday - May 21st. There are still tickets available, so please get your tickets & send in your song requests as soon as possible so we can confirm numbers.
Summer Festival
Due to operational considerations, we have changed the date of the summer festival to July 17th. It will still be from 1pm to 4pm. If you would like a stall, or wish to place an advert in the programme, please contact

Celebration Assembly

There will be no celebration assembly on Monday.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 17th May - Junior Road Safety Day
Tuesday 18th May - Year 5 and 6 Mass in Church
Friday 21st May - Special Ethiopia Assembly and Film Showing
Friday 21st May - PTFA Disco
Saturday 22nd May - First Holy Communion Preparation
Thursday 27th May - Y1/2 Avon Valley Country Park
Thursday 27th May - Film Club begins
Thursday 27th May - End of Term 5
Friday 28th May - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Science and technology focus
Sunday 20th June - First Holy Communion – 11.30am
Monday 28th June - Special Attendance Celebration Assembly
Thursday 8th July - Water Walk 2010

Best wishes

Matt Condon

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