Wednesday, 26 May 2010

27th May 2010

Dear Parent/Carer,


School Attendance
Well done to Mrs Ford’s, Mr Sherwin’s and Mrs Patton’s classes for attending 95% last week, Mrs Joseph’s and Mr Conlon’s class achieving 96%, Mrs Bell’s with over 97% and Miss Wright’s class with 99%!

Bike it Breakfast
There will be a ‘Bike it’ Breakfast on Friday 11th June from 8.15-8.45am. This special breakfast will have a World Cup theme.

Continuing our animal theme, the next film to be shown will be the 1954 animated adaptation of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. This film is rated U and will finish at 5pm. Soon club members will be able to log on to the FILMCLUB website, write their own reviews and suggest films they might like to review in the future. This club is being run by Mrs Martin.

Summer Festival
Due to operational considerations, we have changed the date of the summer festival to July 17th. It will still be from 1pm to 4pm. If you would like a stall, or wish to place an advert in the programme, please contact

PTFA School Disco
The members of the St Josephs PTFA would like to express their sincere thanks to all the parents and children who attended the School Disco Friday 21st May. The evening was a great success in which everyone there appeared to have a really good time. We hope to see you all at the next event which is the Summer Festival July 17th. Once again thank you.
Tim Stenner - PTFA Member.

Sign Up Consent Forms
Thank you to all parents who have filled in the Sing Up Safeguarding Data Protection and Privacy Statements consent slip. All those who have not yet filled in a consent form, or who only filled it in for one child (when there are other siblings at school), please fill in and send back to the school office as soon as possible. It is very important that we receive these forms as I am unable to continue with our Gold Award Evidence Form without them. If you have lost your original form, please get a second copy from the school office. Many thanks in anticipation,
C, Marsh (Sing Up Champion).

Gardening Club
The Gardening Club are holding an afternoon tea and plant sale on Thursday 10th June at 3.00pm. The children have been busy preparing pots of flowering plants as well as vegetable seedlings which will be on sale. We would appreciate any surplus bedding plants and seedlings that you could donate to the Gardening Club. All the proceeds will go towards funding future gardening activities.

Dates for Diaries
Friday 28th May - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Science and technology focus
Monday 7th June - Start of Term 6
Wednesday 9th June - Sacrament of Reconciliation
Thursday 10th June - Bristol Cathedral for Y6Friday 11th June - Bike it Breakfast
Tuesday 15th June - Y6 Leaver’s Mass
Sunday 20th June - First Holy Communion – 11.30am
Sunday 20th June - Bristol's Biggest Bike Ride
Monday 28th June - Special Attendance Celebration Assembly
Tuesday 29th June - Sports Day
Monday 5th July - Staff Training Day (school closed)
Curriculum focus
Thursday 8th July - Water Walk 2010
Saturday 17th July - PTFA Summer FestivalFriday 23rd July - End of school yearWednesday 1st Sept - Staff Training (school closed)Thursday 2nd Sept - Start of new school year!

Have a great holiday

Matt Condon, Headteacher

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