Friday, 1 October 2010

Friday 1st October

Dear Parents and Carers,

Walk to School Month
October’s ‘Walk to School Month’ begins on Monday 4th October. On Thursday 7th October there will be a Street Entertainer who will walk with the children from the Forest Road end of Chatsworth Road at 8.40am. Come along and be entertained as you walk to school!

Playground & Security
Can I please remind you again to use only the main entrance into the school building at the beginning and end of the day. Children or staff must not open any outside doors for anyone. Please respect this decision – they are not being ill-mannered; they are following set procedures in accordance with our Health and Safety Policy.
Children should arrive in school (in the playground) no earlier than 8.45am (from next week the gates will be locked before this time) and should be supervised by parents/carers until the teachers come out into the playground at 8.55am. The school cannot accept any responsibility for children’s safety before 8.55am.
Can I also remind parents that children are considered late if they are not able to line up and walk into school with their class.

Individual Photographs
A date for the diary is Tuesday 5th October for individual photographs, starting at 8.45am for families with younger siblings.

School Attendance
Above 95% attendance this week – Mrs Mantle’s class, Mrs Joseph’s class and Mrs Patton’s class with 98% attendance!

Parent Information Meetings – Mrs Patton’s, Mrs Bell’s and Mr Conlon’s class
These meetings enable teachers to share important information about the school year and learning with parents/carers. These meetings will be next Friday at 3pm.

Parish Harvest Mass – This Sunday 3rd October
All of the school community are invited to join the Parish for a special Harvest Mass on Sunday 3rd October at 10am.On Sunday children who have not contributed can bring groceries for the offertory (not perishable) to be offered at this Mass. All offerings will then be presented to a local charity, supported by the Parish.The school choir will be singing and we are all very excited as the Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Declan.We hope that many of you can join us on Sunday at 10am.

Celebration of Achievements
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 4th October at 9.15am. The following children will receive awards:-
Jordan Toy, Therese Briones, Ellie Bradley, Salvatore La Porta and Mya Sarkozi.

Dates for Diaries
Sunday 3rd October - Harvest Mass in Church
Monday 4th October (am) - New parents visit
Monday 4th October - Start of Walk to School Month
Tuesday 5th October - Years 1/2 Mass in Church
Friday 8th October - Class 4C, 5P and 6B Parent Information Meetings
Monday 11th October - Start of Y6 Archery Club
Tuesday 12th October - Y6/Reception Mass in Church
Thursday 14th October - Parents ’ Evening
Friday 15th October - Blaise Castle Museum – Y5
Tuesday 19th October - Parents’ Evening
Friday 22nd October - End of Term 1
Monday 1st November - Staff training day (school closed)
Tuesday 2nd November - Start of Term 2
Wednesday 3rd November - Caerphilly Castle visit – Y3
Tuesday 30th November - Lifeskills v isit – Y6
Friday 17th December - End of Term 2
Tuesday 4th January - Start of Term 3

Best wishes

Matt Condon

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