Friday, 11 February 2011

Friday 11th February

Dear Parent/Carers,

I’m now at the end of a great week teaching Year 4. It was good to see them make some good progress in their writing and other areas of learning. We are looking forward to hearing all the stories from children who have been on camp in the Forest of Dean, when they return this afternoon.

Gold SingUp Award
The school has been working hard to achieve it’s Gold SingUp Award, led by Mrs Marsh. After eighteen months of introducing more singing in the school and using singing as a learning tool, we can announce that we have achieved the Gold Award! Here are some comments made by Laurie Gethin, the SingUp Area Co-Ordinator, in the Gold Award feedback –

There is a lovely ethos in the school, which I have had the privilege of experiencing myself.
The children make a wonderful sound, both in class and collectively as a group with the community, and this inclusive approach can only help bond family and friends further beyond the school grounds.
I love the roles these children play in your school, to help empower those children and to help singing to penetrate to every corner of the school.
It is FANTASTIC to see twelve members of staff who feel confident to lead singing! By far the most I have ever seen in an Award endorsement. It is so clear all the staff has embraced the Award as part of their teaching to their children, and I commend every one of you, what fabulous teachers, keep it up! A school where staff sing, is a school where pupils will sing, and create a happy learning environment.

Next Tuesday we shall be holding a special assembly, where all parents are welcome, during which Laurie will be presenting the Gold Award to us.

Well done to all the staff and pupils who have worked so hard to make this happen, and to all of you in the community who have supported us in this process. Laurie has also invited the school to be nominated for the Platinum Award, which can only be achieved if a school is invited to do so. So we shall be looking into the possibility of reaching this level before funding is discontinued, which is due to happen in the next few months. Fingers crossed, we will achieve the Platinum Award. Another great achievement for the school!

Film Club
Film Club will resume next Tuesday 15th February.

PTFA Cake Sale
The PTFA are holding a cake sale after school on Tuesday, 15th February, at 3.30pm.
We would welcome any donations of cakes or biscuits, and if you would like to help at the sale, just come and find us.

School Attendance
Well done to Mrs Patton’s class with an outstanding 100% and for this reason they will be able to wear non-uniform on Thursday 17th February. Also well done to Mrs Ford’s class with 98% and Mrs Mantle’s with 97% attendance.

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 14th February, at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteachers award:
Meigan Westlake, Laura Apperly, Olivia Woodruff, Carolina Eubebeagu, Norbert Kulesza, Harrison Bains-Doyle and Dean Turner.

Dates for Diaries
Monday 14th February - E Safety Week
Tuesday 15th February - SingUp Gold Award Presentation
Wednesday 16th February - Lepra workout
Thursday 17th February - End of Term 3
Friday 18th February - INSET Day – School Closed
Monday 28th February - Start of Term 4
Monday 7th March - Special Attendance Celebration Assembly
Wednesday 9th March - Year 6 visit to The Royal Opera House
Monday 14th March - Mrs Joseph’s class – visit to Bristol Harbour

Best wishes

Matt Condon,

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