Friday, 4 February 2011

Friday 4th February 2011

Dear Parent/Carers,

Writing at St Joseph’s

This week we welcomed Rob Worsford, Headteacher of Air Balloon Hill Primary School, into school to spend a day looking at an aspect of our work. We asked him to look at writing as we feel we have made real improvements in this area over the last few years. He has now submitted a report which was extremely positive. His feedback included the following comments –

Children’s behaviour is excellent. Wonderful calm atmosphere. Respectful, polite, engaged and interested children.
Children are open, approachable and keen to talk about their work and their school.
Children display a great deal of pride in their work and their school.
Children were independent in that they knew what to do if they were stuck and where to find information. Seemed self-assured.
Children said they listened to other children’s work and learnt from it.
In every class I went in the children were engaged in activities, there was no passive learning. A really strong feature!
All teaching appeared to be at least good. But with high expectations, high standards and excellent learning attitudes – some of it is outstanding.


Lepra Fundraising

This morning Sara, from the charity Lepra, came into school to talk to children about how they can help people who suffer from this disease. The children will be bringing home a pack today and are encouraged to ask for donations. All donations, however small, are welcomed. There will be a fun Lepra workout on Wednesday 16th of February to say thank you to the children for their support.

Class Assembly

The Reception class assembly is Friday 11th February, at 9.10am. Everyone is invited.
Clothes for a Cause
Well done to everyone who supported the ‘Clothes for a Cause’ £146.57 was raised. The School Council will be donating this money to a children’s charity.

E-Safety Week

This is being held on the week beginning Monday 14th February. During this week children will learn how to use the internet safely at home and in school. To coincide with this we will be sending home revised internet permission letters. These letters will explain how we manage information safely but also request that you give permission for children to use the internet safely in school. It is very important that parents read, sign and return the response part of this letter. Mr Sherwin or I will be available to answer any queries on this subject.

Film Club

There will be no film club on Tuesday 8th February.

African Drumming After School Club

African drumming will now finish at 4.30 due to an earlier start. Please ensure that your children are collected at this new time.

School Attendance

Well done to Mrs Mantle’s class with an outstanding 99%, and Mrs Rollings’ and Mr Conlon’s classes with a great 97%. Our attendance is on the up – let’s keep it up!!! Punctuality is also improving. Thank you all for your support.

Celebration Assembly

There will be no celebration assembly on Monday 7th February.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 7th February - Camp week for Year 5 and 6
Tuesday 8th February - Y5P and Mass in church
Wednesday 9th February - “Sing Up Day” for Gold Medal Award
Monday 14th February - E Safety Week
Wednesday 16th February - Lepra workout
Thursday 17th February - End of Term 3
Friday 18th February - INSET Day – School Closed
Monday 28th February - Start of Term 4
Wednesday 9th March - Year 6 – visit to The Royal Opera House
Monday 14th March - Mrs Joseph’s class – visit to Bristol Harbour

Best wishes

Matt Condon,

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