Friday, 1 April 2011

Friday 1st April, 2011

Dear Parent/Carers, Easter School Mass We will be celebrating Easter Mass next Friday at 2pm. As Father Joy is away, Fr Frank Birmingham will celebrate the Mass with us. The Mass will be in the school hall. IMPORTANT - Site Security Can I remind you all that anybody coming into the school must check with reception first and sign in before coming into school. The visitors signing in book is now in the entrance porch. IMPORTANT – Reporting Absence Can I remind parents that if their child is absent, they must telephone the school so we can ensure all children are in school or safely at home. If Mrs Slade has to repeatedly contact parents with regard to their child’s absence, I will have no alternative but to record the pupil’s absence as unauthorised, which could result in a referral being made to the Educational Welfare Officer. Parent Questionnaire from School Governors Could you please return the parent questionnaire and return to school by Friday 8th April. This questionnaire will support the Governors in identifying ways to continue school improvement. Polish Easter Celebrations The School Governors wish to thank parents, pupils and staff for another successful cultural celebration. The children explained Polish customs in a special assembly and parents were invited into school for tea and delicious Polish cakes at the end of the school day. CAFOD Groups in year 6 will be holding different activities to raise money for CAFOD. One group will be doing a crazy catwalk, it will be held on Friday 8th April, on the last day of term in privilege time. This will cost children 20p which is great value! School Dinner Money Please can I remind you that dinner money must be paid on a Monday or the first day of the week in an envelope with your child's name on it and handed to the teacher or the office. Small dinner money envelopes are available to buy from Mrs Gossan - 50 for £1.50 or 100 for £2.50. Attendance and Punctuality Well done to Miss Wright’s class with 98% and Mrs Patton’s with 96%. Celebration Assembly – BIKE IT and African Drumming There will be a celebration assembly next Monday 4th April, where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s award: Ridah Chaudhry, Charlotte Kelly, Molly McBride, Nuala Wallace, Daniel Apperley., Hannah Richards, Abigayle Williams and Jeleil Manmohan. We will also be announcing winners of the BIKE IT competition and enjoying a performance from the African Drumming Club. As always, parents are welcome to attend this assembly. Dates for Diaries Tuesday 5th April - Cookathon Friday 8th April - Easter Mass in Church at 2pm Friday 8th April - End of Term 4 Tuesday 26th April - Start of Term 5 Monday 6th June - INSET Day – school closed Friday 1st July - INSET Day - school closed Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed Best wishes Matt Condon Headteacher

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