Friday, 8 April 2011

Friday 8th April, 2011

Dear Parent/Carers, Parish Easter Masses The times for the Easter Services are as follows: Maundy Thursday – Mass 7.30pm Good Friday – Stations of the Cross 10.00am Good Friday Service 3.00pm Easter Saturday Vigil – 8.00pm Easter Sunday - Mass 10.00am (No Evening Mass) Newsletters There seem to be some problems with some parents not receiving the newsletter by e.mail. If you are having difficulty, or you know of a parent who is not receiving the newsletter, could you please let the office know, so email addresses can be checked. The school website also has a link to the newsletter. The Blog also plays a big part in letting parents know what is happening in their child’s school by sharing animation, projects, writing, photographs and lots of other examples of children’s learning. Cookathon This was a very successful day with all classes taking part in making a ‘healthy eating’ recipe. We also had the Lord Mayor of Bristol attend, as well as the Community Police and School Governors helping out. Especially, can I thank Mrs Hood and the dedicated group of parents who gave up their own time to give the children this experience. We really appreciate their support and hope more parents and carers can help in the future. School Uniform The Governors have just up-dated the school uniform policy and have made a number of clarifications and small amendments. As it is now holiday time, and we want all children returning for Term 5 looking smart, can I clarify a few specific points – · Earrings – these can be worn but must be small studs only. · Footwear – these should be black shoes or trainers. Logos on trainers should be minimal, avoiding bright colours. · Children should not wear jewellery to school. · Hair extensions or extreme ornamentations are not allowed. · Leggings are NOT part of school uniform. The full policy will be published at the start of Term 5. Attendance and Punctuality Well done to Mrs Patton and Mrs Mantle with 97% attendance and Mrs Bell’s class with 98%! School Dinner Menu New menus have been sent out this week to start after the Easter Holidays. If you would like your child to have Halal meals, as detailed on the menu, please let the office know which meals on each week they would like as they need to be ordered in advance. For those parent/carers who have already ordered the Halal meals, they will be available from the week beginning the 3rd May and not the 25th April as stated on the menu. There will be a change to the menu on Wednesday 27th April, as it will be a royal wedding menu:- Roast Chicken Drumstick or Vegetable Pie and Ice Cream Pot or Viennese Crown Dates for Diaries Tuesday 26th April - Start of Term 5 Monday 6th June - INSET Day – school closed Friday 20th May - Bikeability Training Y3/4 Thursday 9th June - Class Photographs Friday 10th June - Non-uniform for School Fair Friday 10th June - Bike It Prize Day KS1 - KS2 Thursday 16th June - Y6 Leaver’s Mass Friday 17th June - Level 2 Bike Check Saturday 18th June - School Fair Monday 20th June - Book Fair Week Tuesday 28th June - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6 Friday 1st July - INSET Day - school closed Tuesday 5th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6 Thursday 7th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6 Friday 8th July - CLIC Sergeant Football – non-uniform Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed Have a great Easter break and best wishes Matt Condon Headteacher

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