Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Wednesday 22nd June

Dear Parent/Carers,

A special early newsletter this week.

STRIKE ACTION – The school will be open as normal

As you will be aware from the media, colleagues in NUT and ATL will be taking industrial action on the 30th June. This action will not affect St. Joseph’s.

The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul – Mass in Church

There will be a school Mass next Wednesday, 29th June, at 9.30am in church to celebrate St Peter and St Paul. You are all welcome.

Summer Community Fair

A big thank you to all those who made the summer fair a big success, and especially to the PTFA who put a lot of hard work into making the day run smoothly - even with the wet and windy weather!

Bristol Emergencies Year 6 Painting Competition

We are very proud to announce that pupils in Year 6 are winners in the ‘Bristol Emergencies Year 6 Painting Competition’. The overall winner out of over 200 entries across Bristol is Agnel Aliyath who gets a wind up radio and torch, as well as winning an education day trip for the class at Bristol Zoo! Daniel Apperley and Samantha Masenyama are both runners up and win torches. The Lord Mayor of Bristol will be presenting the winning prize in assembly tomorrow morning.

PE Kit

We have noticed that some children do not have the correct PE kit in school. Can I remind you that the PE kit consists of:- White T-shirt, navy blue or black shorts, plimsolls/daps and a suitable bag for the above with a string loop for hanging.

Sports Day Menu

On the 28th June, for sports day lunch the school kitchen will be preparing a special menu of sausage, vegetarian sausage and chips. The cost of the meal is £2.20.

999 Fun Day

The 999 Fun Day is Saturday 9th July 2011, 12.00pm-4pm at the playing fields next to the Harry Crook Youth Activities Centre, Moorlands Road. At the fun day there will be emergency service demonstrations, inflatable fun, a charity football match, face painting, food and drink, stalls and lots more. The event is in partnership with the Harry Crook, Police and Coombe Valley Action group. Also Harry Crook are holding a family disco in the evening from 7.30pm till late.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 27th June, at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:
Harry Mooney, Alya Rasul, Stan Smith, Shaun Snaden, Jake Turner, Iwan Calloway and Kealen Westlake

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 28th June - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Tuesday 28th June - Sports Day (morning only)
Wednesday 29th June - Mass for Saints Peter and Paul
Friday 1st July - INSET Day - school closed
Tuesday 5th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Thursday 7th July - Level 2 Bike Training Y5/6
Thursday 7th July - Reception & Year 2 – Noah’s Ark
Friday 8th July - CLIC Sergeant Football – non-uniform
Tuesday 12th July - Year 6 Performance
Wednesday 13th July - Year 6 Performance
Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed

Can I also remind you that the school will be closed next Friday for a staff training day.

Best wishes

Matt Condon

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