Sunday, 10 July 2011

Friday 8th June 2011

Dear Parent/Carers,

School Reports

Reports will be sent out to parents next week. Earlier this year the governors consulted with a group of parents on how to give parents better information about learning and progress. The reports have been redesigned and we hope give parents and carers much clearer information about their child. We would appreciate any feedback about the content and format of these new reports.

School Uniform Ordering

There appears to have been a few problems accessing the website for online ordering. Please enter the following link to be taken direct to the schools page
If you ordered by cheque to the previous company on or after the 7th June, we have been told by the administrators that the cheque will not have been cashed.

Dean Field Study Centre

The next instalment of £25 for the Dean Field trip is now due. If you are paying by cheque please make it payable to Bristol City Council.

Gardening Club

The gardening club will now be holding their plant sale and cream teas next Tuesday 12th July at 3pm in the garden area. Please come along and enjoy a relaxing cream tea and purchase some beautiful plants that the children have grown.

The Vassall Centre

The Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue Fishponds will be having an Open Day on Thursday 28th July – 10am-3pm, where everyone is welcome. There will be stalls, refreshments, displays, meet a Dalek and children’s activities. This is funded by the Greater Fishponds Neighbourhood Partnerships.

Year 6 leaver's Lunch

The year 6 leaver’s lunch will take place on Thursday 21st July. The cost is £2.20 and the menu the children have chosen is hot dog and chips and chocolate crunch and ice cream

Parent Visits

We would like to invite all parents into their child’s class, so that children can share their learning and work. Dates for these will be in dates for diaries below. Dates for Mrs Patton’s and Mrs Mantle’s classes will be shared next week.

Thanks to the many parents who visited the reception class today.

PTFA Cake Sale

The PTFA are organising a cake sale on Wednesday 20th July, at 3.30pm and would greatly appreciate any donations.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 11th July, at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:
Maya Buckler, Natalia Warmuz, Jennifer Eubebeagu, Daniel Edwards, Chelcia Velmurgan, Julia Dombek, Samantha Masenyama, Stephanie Williams, Jerrin Thomas, Nadia Naibet, Lewis Hodder, Rebecca Davies, Sandra Paslawska, Issy Woodruff, Micah Gayle and Vanessa Wabissa

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 12th July - Year 6 Performance
Tuesday 12th July - Gardening Club sale
Wednesday 13th July - Year 6 Performance
Thursday 14th July (2.30pm) - Parents invited into Year 6
Thursday 14th July (3pm) - Parents invited into Year 1 and 2
Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed
Tuesday 19th July - Parents meetings (by request – see reports)
Wednesday 20th July - Year 4C Topic presentation (parents invited)
Wednesday 20th July - PTFA cake sale
Thursday 21st July - Year 6 leaver’s lunch
Friday 22nd July - End of Year Mass
Friday 22nd July - End of the school year
Thursday 1st September - INSET Day – school closed
Friday 2nd September - INSET Day – school closed

Best wishes

Matt Condon

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