Thursday, 14 July 2011

Thursday 14th July 2011

Dear Parent/Carers,


Year 6 leavers Lunch
The year 6 leaver’s lunch will take place on Thursday 21st July. The cost is £2.20 and the menu the children have chosen is hot dog and chips and chocolate crunch and ice cream.

Year 6 Leaver’s Mass

Year 6 Leaver’s Mass is now on Thursday 21st July at 2.00pm in the Church.

Camp Video

If you would like a camp video, could you please send £5.00 into the school office with your child’s name. Mr Conlon will then provide you with a copy. All proceeds will go to the PTFA.

Briarwood Special School

After some deliberations, the school choir WILL be going to Briarwood Special School to sing at their music festival on Wednesday 20th July. They need to be in school uniform and will need to bring a packed lunch. We will leave St Joseph’s at 12.00 and return before the school day ends.

Keyboard Reminder

Keyboard lessons will be on Tuesday 19th July and Friday 22nd July, for the children who play keyboard. Also there are more timetable alterations and children have been give a second slip with revised times. Sorry about the inconvenience. (Mrs Marsh)

PTFA Cake Sale

The PTFA are organising a cake sale on Wednesday 20th July, at 3.30pm and would greatly appreciate any donations. Please bring any cakes to the school office on Tuesday 19th July.

Parent Visits

We would like to invite all parents into their child’s class, so that children can share their learning and work. Dates for these will be Tuesday 19th July at 2.45pm for Mrs Joseph’s class and Wednesday 20th July at 9.10am for Mr Conlon’s Class.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 11th July, at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:
Jerrin Thomas, Josh Bristow, Shaan Singh, Airam Pamintuan, Izzy Poole, Matthew Bristow, Loredana Parrinello, Clement Harvey, Anique Sergeant, Alvin George, Muhammad Baig, Sam Iles, Samuel Toye and Anisa Rasul.

Dates for Diaries

Friday 15th July - INSET Day - school closed
Tuesday 19th July - Parents meetings (by request – see reports)
Tuesday 19th July - Year 4/5J topic presentation (parents invited)
Wednesday 20th July - Year 4C Topic presentation (parents invited)
Wednesday 20th July - PTFA cake sale
Thursday 21st July - Y6 Leaver’s Lunch
Thursday 21st July - Leaver’s Mass
Friday 22nd July - End of Year Mass
Friday 22nd July - End of the school year
Thursday 1st September - INSET Day – school closed
Friday 2nd September - INSET Day – school closed

Best wishes

Matt Condon

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