Friday, 30 March 2012

Dear Parents and Carers,


We sadly say goodbye to Mrs McIntyre, who is finishing her job as Dinner Lady today after 7 years service. We wish her all the best in the future.


Well done to Mrs Patton’s class with 100% attendance last week. They will get a special non uniform day next term. Also well done to Mrs Joseph’s, Mr Conlon’s and Mrs Bell’s class with 97% attendance. A great term of attendance overall.

Lost Property

Our lost property box which is situated in the porch at the front entrance is beginning to overflow. It is full of jumpers, coats, fleeces etc. If you are missing any of these items please come and check the box, as it will be emptied by the beginning of next term. All items will be sent to a charity shop or recycled.

Updated Contacts/Medical Conditions

If your child’s contact details or any new medical conditions have changed, could you please let the office know as soon as possible. There was an incident last week where we were unable to contact a parent.

Sport Relief

We had a fantastic response for Sport Relief. We have managed to raise £870.46 so far and money is still coming in. We will let you know what the final amount is after Easter.

Mass Times over Easter

Saturday 31st March, 6.00pm – Passion Sunday

Sunday 1st April, 10.00am – Passion Sunday

Sunday 1st April, 6.00pm – Passion Sunday

Thursday 5th April, 7.30pm – Holy Thursday (The Lord’s Supper)

Friday 6th April, 2.30pm – Stations of the Cross

Good Friday 6th April, 3.00pm – The Passion of the Lord

Saturday 7th April, 8.00pm – Easter Vigil

Sunday 8th April, 10.00am – The Resurrection of the Lord

Dates for Diaries

Monday 16th April - Start of Term 5

Monday 14th May - KS2 SATS Week

Have a happy and blessed Easter

Matt Condon, Headteacher

Friday, 23 March 2012

Friday 23rd March, 2012.

Dear Parents and Carers,


Well done to Mrs Rollings’s class and Mr Conlon’s class with 99% attendance last week. Both classes will get special non uniform days.

Also congratulations to Mr Sherwin’s class, Mrs Mantle’s class and Mrs Patton’s class with 98% and Mrs Ford’s, Mrs Joseph’s and Mrs Bell’s classes with 97% attendance. Overall, last week’s attendance was outstanding.

Sports Relief


Sport Relief brings the entire nation together to get active, raise money and change lives.

A big thank you to Lucy and Nick of Fitness First, who ran a series of exciting assault courses for children of all ages, to raise awareness and funds for Sports Relief.

Also a big thank you to Miss Holman, who organised all classes to take part in the Sports Relief Mile and other fun sponsored sports activities.

A cake sale is also taking place today to fundraise for Sport Relief.

A big thank you to all who have sent in their sponsorship money already. Please bring in all your sponsorship forms or donations by Friday 30th March.

Updated Contacts/Medical Conditions

If your child’s contact details or any new medical conditions have changed since the end of last term, could you please let the office know as soon as possible.

Film Club

There will no Film Club next Tuesday 27th March. Film Club will resume after Easter.

School Meals Supervisory Assistant

We currently have a vacancy for a School Meals Supervisory Assistant to join the team. The hours are 12.00 noon until 1.30pm each day, Monday to Friday, term time only. This is a temporary position until the end of Term 6. If you are interested and would like further details, please contact the school office.

Term Dates 2011-12

Here are the term dates for the rest of this academic year.

Term 4 Monday 20th February to Friday 30th March 2012
Term 5 Monday 16th April to Friday 1st June 2012
Term 6 Monday 11th June to Thursday 19th July 2012

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 26th March at 3.10pm where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s award:

Samuel Toye, Bethany Prasad, Lucia Mercato, Abigayle Williams, Ruby Walsh, Maddy Khan-Slade, Oliver Louch, Amelianya Cachia, Rashid Salawu-Thompson, Vanessa Wabissa, Ridah Chaudhry, Dominic Sebastian, Marlen Fernando and Oliver Mooney.

These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards:

Reuben Reji, Emmanuel Benny, Muskan Rehan, Sydney –Kay Haberfield, Vivian Johnson, Johann Manosh, Luke Briones, Olivia Jim, Kealen Westlake, Lara Brown, Tejal Sebastian, Alvin George, Bethany Prasad, Rebecca Davies, Jake Turner and Wiktoria Pawlaszczyk

Dates for Diaries

Friday 30th March - Easter Mass in Church

Friday 30th March - End of Term 4

Monday 16th April - Start of Term 5

Monday 14th May - KS2 SATS Week

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon


Friday, 16 March 2012

Apologies, but all families will receive a paper newsletter this week, instead of an emailed newsletter. The newsletter will also be published on the School Blog.

St Joseph’s Day – Monday 19th March

You are all invited to join the parish for a special Mass to celebrate St Joseph’s Day this Sunday at 10am. Also for this Mass, the Scout Group and Brownies will be parading into church to celebrate St Joseph’s day and Mothering Sunday. The parade will start in the Parish hall at 9.45am in full uniform. After the service the children will parade back to the hall at around 11am.

The school will celebrate St Joseph’s feast day in a special assembly on Monday at 9.10am. All parents and carers are welcome. Celebration Assembly will return next week.

Purple Mash

Purple Mash is a great fun and creative online learning resource which is available to all children at St Joseph’s.

To access this great content visit, enter user as pupil@c46524 and the password is fig3. We think the website is great but please let us know if this resource is useful at home.

Reception Curriculum

Next term the Reception class will be learning about Superheroes. If you have any unwanted comics or annuals, please could you donate them to the Reception class. Thank you.

School Choir - The Wreck of the Titanic

Parents of children in choir, who are taking part in the Easter performance of Titanic, please all meet in the school hall on Thursday 22/3 at 4:15 (during choir time) so that you can discuss, exchange and share lift arrangements for taking and fetching your children to the rehearsals and performance. This will work best if all parents attend so that numbers of spare seats, and who needs lifts when, can be sorted. See you then – Mrs Marsh

Dates for Diaries

Sunday 18th March - St Joseph’s Day Mass in Parish Church

Tuesday 20th March - Sports Relief Day

Friday 30th March - End of Term 4

Monday 16th April - Start of Term 5

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon


Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Dear Parent and Carers,

School Uniform Policy – a reminder

There is still a sizable minority of children who are not wearing the correct uniform or footwear. Letters will be going out to the parents/carers of all children who are not wearing correct
school uniform next week. We really appreciate the support of the vast majority of parents who support the school’s uniform policy.

Contact Details

If any of your details have changed could you please let the school know as soon as possible, in order for records to be up-dated. If any of your details have changed could you please let the school know as soon as possible, in order for records to be up-dated.

200 Club

Due to the small number of people who are able to support the Club, and the amount of time required to organise and audit the accounts, it has been agreed by the Governing Body that
regrettably the 200 Club will cease at the end of this financial year. The 200 Club was established to provide funding towards extra improvements and so it has been agreed that the funds raised will be used towards improving the school playground. Thank you to those
who were able to support the Club and details of the improvements to the
playground will be reported in the near future.


Well done to Mrs Bell’s class with 99% again!!! Also well done to Mrs Mantle’s class with a brilliant 99% attendance. Both classes will have special non uniform days.

Also congratulations to Mr Sherwin’s class with 98%,and Mrs Joseph's, Mrs Patton's and Mr Conlon’s class with 97% attendance. A great week overall.

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 13th March - Parents Evening
Sunday 18th March - St Joseph’s Day Mass in Parish Church
Friday 30th March - End of Term 4
Monday 16th April - Start of Term 5

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

Friday, 2 March 2012

Dear Parent and Carers,

First Communion Preparation Classes

First Holy Communions will take place this year on the weekend of 16th/17th June. If your child is ready to receive this sacrament (year 3 or above) then please add their name to the list at the back of the Church or write their name and contact details on a piece of paper headed ‘First Holy Communions’ and post it through the Presbytery door. Preparation Classes will be starting at the end of March after 10 am Mass on Sunday mornings. Classes will be just 3/4 hour long and two sessions for parents will also be included at the beginning and end of the preparation period. Further details will follow once numbers have been finalised.

Governors’ Minutes

Governors’ minutes are available for parents to read in the display unit situated in the front entrance.

Bike It Breakfast

A REMINDER Monday 5th March, is the start of our virtual bike race. We will therefore be launching the event with a ‘Bike It Breakfast’ with tasty treats available courtesy of Tesco Express for those who cycle in on Monday.

Lost Property

The lost property box in the front entrance is overflowing with different items of clothing. If your child has lost any items of clothing please come and check before next Friday 9th March, as they will then be recycled.

St Marks Team

St Marks team are the winners for Term 3. They will have a non-uniform day on Friday 9th March.


Well done to Mrs Joseph’s and Mrs Bell’s class with 99% who will get a special non uniform day! Also Mrs Mantle and Mr Conlon’s class with 98%, and Mrs Ford’s with 97%.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 5th March at 9.15am, where the following children will receive a headteacher’s award: Jade Johnson, Taychon Graham, Belinda Joseph and Vanessa Johnson, Mia Hood and Luke Staddon.

These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards: Gabriel Matorres and Shaun Snaden

Dates for Diaries

Monday 5th March - Bike it Breakfast
Thursday 8th March - Parents Evening
Friday 9th March - St. Mark's Non Uniform Day
Tuesday 13th March - Parents Evening
Friday 30th March - End of Term 4

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon