Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Dear Parent and Carers,

School Uniform Policy – a reminder

There is still a sizable minority of children who are not wearing the correct uniform or footwear. Letters will be going out to the parents/carers of all children who are not wearing correct
school uniform next week. We really appreciate the support of the vast majority of parents who support the school’s uniform policy.

Contact Details

If any of your details have changed could you please let the school know as soon as possible, in order for records to be up-dated. If any of your details have changed could you please let the school know as soon as possible, in order for records to be up-dated.

200 Club

Due to the small number of people who are able to support the Club, and the amount of time required to organise and audit the accounts, it has been agreed by the Governing Body that
regrettably the 200 Club will cease at the end of this financial year. The 200 Club was established to provide funding towards extra improvements and so it has been agreed that the funds raised will be used towards improving the school playground. Thank you to those
who were able to support the Club and details of the improvements to the
playground will be reported in the near future.


Well done to Mrs Bell’s class with 99% again!!! Also well done to Mrs Mantle’s class with a brilliant 99% attendance. Both classes will have special non uniform days.

Also congratulations to Mr Sherwin’s class with 98%,and Mrs Joseph's, Mrs Patton's and Mr Conlon’s class with 97% attendance. A great week overall.

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 13th March - Parents Evening
Sunday 18th March - St Joseph’s Day Mass in Parish Church
Friday 30th March - End of Term 4
Monday 16th April - Start of Term 5

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon

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