Friday, 16 March 2012

Apologies, but all families will receive a paper newsletter this week, instead of an emailed newsletter. The newsletter will also be published on the School Blog.

St Joseph’s Day – Monday 19th March

You are all invited to join the parish for a special Mass to celebrate St Joseph’s Day this Sunday at 10am. Also for this Mass, the Scout Group and Brownies will be parading into church to celebrate St Joseph’s day and Mothering Sunday. The parade will start in the Parish hall at 9.45am in full uniform. After the service the children will parade back to the hall at around 11am.

The school will celebrate St Joseph’s feast day in a special assembly on Monday at 9.10am. All parents and carers are welcome. Celebration Assembly will return next week.

Purple Mash

Purple Mash is a great fun and creative online learning resource which is available to all children at St Joseph’s.

To access this great content visit, enter user as pupil@c46524 and the password is fig3. We think the website is great but please let us know if this resource is useful at home.

Reception Curriculum

Next term the Reception class will be learning about Superheroes. If you have any unwanted comics or annuals, please could you donate them to the Reception class. Thank you.

School Choir - The Wreck of the Titanic

Parents of children in choir, who are taking part in the Easter performance of Titanic, please all meet in the school hall on Thursday 22/3 at 4:15 (during choir time) so that you can discuss, exchange and share lift arrangements for taking and fetching your children to the rehearsals and performance. This will work best if all parents attend so that numbers of spare seats, and who needs lifts when, can be sorted. See you then – Mrs Marsh

Dates for Diaries

Sunday 18th March - St Joseph’s Day Mass in Parish Church

Tuesday 20th March - Sports Relief Day

Friday 30th March - End of Term 4

Monday 16th April - Start of Term 5

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon


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