Friday, 4 May 2012

Dear Parents and Carers,

EYFS Stay and Play
There will be no stay and play session next week, due to the Bank Holiday.

Well done to Mr Conlon’s class with 99%, Mrs Bell with 98% and Mrs Patton’s with 97% attendance.  This is an improvement from the first week back after Easter. All classes who get 99% or 100% attendance get a special non-uniform day.

Updated Contacts/Medical Conditions
If your child’s contact details, medical or dietary conditions have changed, could you please let the office know as soon as possible in order for us to update our records.

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Tuesday 8th May,  at 9.15am where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s award.
Mikenagh Quirke, Jo Lambe, Anisa Rasul, James Ayton-Lambourne, Chinnu James, Ellie Bains-Doyle, Cameron Savage, Hannah Maslowski and Kiara Savage.

These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards:
Anisa Rasul, Nuala Wallace, Taychon Graham and Robyn Halliday

Dates for Diaries
(Other assembly dates to be confirmed and the final Teacher Training Day will be in Term 6 and we will confirm the date as soon as possible.)

Monday 14th May                            -                       KS2 SATS Week
Friday 18th May                                 -                       Y1 Class Assembly
Monday 21st May                            -                       Full Governing Body Meeting
Friday 25th May                                 -                       Y3M Class Assembly
Thursday 21st June                            -                       Y6 Leavers Mass at Clifton Cathedral
Friday 22nd June                               -                       Y5/6 Class Assembly
Wednesday 27th June                     -                       Y6 ‘Moving On’ Bristol Cathedral

Best wishes,

Matt Condon

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