Friday, 29 June 2012

Dear Parents and Carers,            

School Dinners

Problems in the kitchen have now been resolved and normal school meals will resume on Monday 2nd July.

Staffing Update

As well as Mr Sherwin leaving our school this summer, we are sad to announce that Colin and Kay Pitt will be retiring at the end of this term. Colin has been the school caretaker for the last 6 years whilst his wife Kay has worked as a school cleaner for an amazing 27 years! We wish them all the best in their retirement.

However, we are happy to welcome our new caretaker Mr Nick Buck to the school team. Nick will be working alongside Colin in July, before taking over fully as caretaker in September.


Well done to Mr Conlon’s class with 98% attendance. Next Friday 6th July, Mrs Ford’s class will be able to wear non-uniform for their 99% attendance.

A special treat for 100% attenders was planned for earlier this week.  Unfortunately it had to be cancelled and will be rescheduled for later this term.

Medical Appointments
If possible (I am aware that some appointments can only be made on the day), could you please inform the teacher in writing in advance if your child has a medical appointment during the school day.

Sports Day

Sports Day is on Tuesday 10th July in the morning, depending on the weather.  This is when it would be really helpful if we had all mobile numbers so we can text parents if it has to be cancelled.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 2nd July at 9.15am where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s award:

Harvey Hill, Areeba Rasul, Jackson Marley, Tejal Sebastian, Carolina Eubebeagu, Ruby Webber, Gabriel Matorres, Wiktoria Surel, Oliver Wiercioch-Giles and Alvin George.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 2nd July                               -                       School Governing Body meeting
Tuesday 10th July                              -                       Sports Day (am)
Wednesday 11th July                       -                       Year 3 Topic Presentation
Thursday 12th July                            -                       Year 5/6C Topic Presentation
Friday 13th July                                  -                       INSET DAY
Thursday 19th July                             -                       Leaver’s Mass and end of school year

Best wishes,

Matt Condon

Friday, 22 June 2012

Dear Parents and Carers,
Staffing and Class Organisation 2012-2013

I am very sad to announce that Mr Sherwin will be leaving the school at the end of this academic year. He is furthering his career by joining the staff of St Matthias and Dr Bell’s Primary School, where we know he will be very successful.

Also, next year, Mrs Mantle’s role will change as she will be working part time (two days a week), teaching classes throughout the school.

I would like to welcome two new members of staff to the St. Joseph’s team - Miss Kellie Holman who will be teaching Year 3 next year (many of you will know Miss Holman as a supply teacher and sports coach), and Miss Hannah Phillips who will be our new teacher in Reception. Mrs Rollings will continue to lead and be very involved in the Early Years Foundation Stage, but will now teach in Year 1.

Here is the class structure for next year:

Reception – Miss Phillips
Year 1 - Mrs Rollings
Year 2 - Mrs Ford
Year 3 – Miss Holman
Year 4 - Mrs Joseph
Year 5 - Mr Conlon
Year 6 - Mrs Patton
Year 6 - Mrs Bell

Part time teacher and music specialist - Mrs Marsh
Part time teacher – Mrs Mantle

Mrs Mizen will continue to teach some lessons as a Higher Level Teaching Assistant and will also continue her role as Family Support Worker, focusing on attendance and supporting families and individual pupils.

Mrs Workman will no longer be timetabled to teach on a weekly basis. However she remains a valued part of the team and we expect to see her in school often.

Extended School Club

We have a new Extended School Club starting in September for Year 1 to Year 6 pupils, both before and after school.  The Club will start at 8.00am to the start of Registration, and then from 3.30pm to 5.00pm.  The costs are £2.00 for a morning session and £2.50 for the afternoon session.  For further details, please contact the School Business Manager via the school office or email

Texting to Parents

We are trialling texting to parents, and would like to up-date all mobile numbers.  If you have changed your mobile number, please let the office know so records can be updated.

Team Points

St Luke are last term’s winners and they will be able to wear non-uniform on Friday 29th June.

Stay and Play

There will be no more stay and play in Mrs Rollings class this year.

Attendance – Last Week

Well done to Mrs Ford’s class with 99% attendance again!  Also well done to Mrs Mantle, and Mrs Patton with 98%, and Mr Conlon with 97% attendance.

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday June 25th at 9.15am where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s award:

Lewis Hodder, Oliver Dunne, Samuel Masenyama, Alisha Latif, Jeswin Mathew, Gabriel Matorres, Ida Johansson, David Wabbissa, Talia Scott and Johann Manosh.

These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards:
Jamie Vadhyanath, Angus Wallace, Nathan Long, Alvin George and Tejal Sebastian

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 26th June                           -                       Year 2 and 5P Topic Presentations          
Wednesday 27th June                     -                       Y6 ‘Moving On’ Bristol Cathedral
Thursday 28th June                           -                       Y3M Roman Museum visit
Monday 2nd July                               -                       School Governing Body meeting
Tuesday 10th July                              -                       Sports Day (am)
Wednesday 11th July                       -                       Year 3 Topic Presentation
Thursday 12th July                            -                       Year 5/6C Topic Presentation
Friday 13th July                                  -                       INSET DAY
Thursday 19th July                             -                       Leaver’s Mass and end of school year

Best wishes,

Matt Condon

Friday, 15 June 2012

Dear Parents and Carers,

PTFA Book Fair Week - Book Fair Week begins next Monday and will run to Friday 22nd June. Thank you to all the volunteers for helping to run the book fair. Each year the book fair provides lots of books for children to read in school. The book fair will be open after school each day.

Extended School Club - We have a new Extended School Club starting in September for Year 1 to Year 6 pupils, both before and after school.  The Club will start at 8.00am to the start of Registration, and then from 3.30pm to 5.00pm.  The costs are £2.00 for a morning session and £2.50 for the afternoon session.  For further details, please contact the School Business Manager via the school office or email

Texting to Parents - We are trialing texting to parents, and would like to up-date all mobile numbers.  If you have changed your mobile could you please let the office know by Monday 18th June.

First Holy Communion - Can the governors, staff and pupils of St Joseph’s wish all the children receiving their First Holy Communion on Sunday a happy and holy day. First Holy Communion Mass is at 10am.

PTFA Sumer Fayre - Regrettably, the PTFA Summer Fayre has been cancelled this year due to insufficient support from adult helpers. Thank you to the parents who did offer to help out this year.

Keep Fit Classes - Get in shape for summer!  This fun and effective exercise class is back for a new term.  Easy to follow class that will burn fat, tone and shape legs, bums, tums and arms.  Every Tuesday in the school hall at 6.30-7.30pm - £4.00 per class.  For more information contact Lucy on 07901716105 or

Music Tuition - A letter was sent home recently regarding music tuition for September. If you wish your child to either continue receiving music tuition or start learning an instrument, please could you ensure that you return the slip to the school office by Friday 22nd June.

Topic Presentations - These are short presentations where the children tell the story of their learning in their most recent topic. In the summer we also invite parents into class, following the presentation, for 20 minutes to look at their child’s work. Because Mr Sherwin’s class did not do this in this week’s presentation, parents are invited to come into class next Friday at 3pm so that they can look at books with their children.  

Y5P and Y2F Topic Presentations - Mrs Patton and Mrs Ford’s Topic Presentations have been postponed to Tuesday 26th June, at 9.10am.

Attendance – Last Week - Well done to Mrs Rollings’ class with 99% attendance which means their class will have a non-uniform day soon. Also well done to Mrs Ford’s and Mrs Patton’s class with 98% attendance and Mr Conlon’s and Mrs Bell’s class with 97% attendance.  All non-uniform dates will be published in the newsletter. Mrs Ford and Mrs Patton’s classes will have a non-uniform day next Friday 22nd June for achieving 99% attendance.

Attendance – This Year - Well done to Mr Conlon and Mrs Bell’s classes with an outstanding overall attendance of 97% for this academic year. Overall the schools attendance has improved this year to over 96%. Well done everybody!

Past Pupil Success - Sarah Gossan (a former pupil) has just been awarded a first class honours degree in Astrophysics from Cardiff University and was also awarded top of year.  Sarah will now be taking up a place in August to do a PhD at the Californian Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Los Angeles to further her passion for Astrophysics.

Celebration Assembly - There will be a celebration assembly on Monday June 18th at 9.15am where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s award: Robyn Halliday, Eddie Brain, Evie Attwood, Mathews Manuel, Sam Iles, Joseph Calloway and Maciej Oledzki.

These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards: James Ayton-Lambourne, Emily Webb, Laura Apperley

Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 20th June                    -                       Year 4 Topic Presentation
Thursday 21st June                            -                       Y6 Leavers Mass at Clifton Cathedral
Friday 22nd June                               -                       Y5/6 Class Assembly

Tuesday 26th June                           -                       Year 2 and 5P Topic Presentations          
Wednesday 27th June                     -                       Y6 ‘Moving On’ Bristol Cathedral
Thursday 28th June                           -                       Y3M Roman Museum visit
Monday 2nd July                               -                       School Governing Body meeting
Tuesday 10th July                              -                       Sports Day (am)
Wednesday 11th July                       -                       Year 3 Topic Presentation
Thursday 12th July                            -                       Year 5/6C Topic Presentation
Friday 13th July                                  -                       INSET DAY
Thursday 19th July                             -                       Leaver’s Mass and end of school year

Best wishes,

Matt Condon

Monday, 11 June 2012

Ofsted Report

Dear Parents and Carers,

Ofsted Report

As you all know, a team of Ofsted Inspectors visited last month.

The school was last inspected in October 2008 and was judged to be satisfactory. As some of you may be aware, in January 2012 a new inspection framework was introduced, which is challenging schools nationally to be even better to achieve judgements of good and outstanding.

It is in this context that I am especially proud to send home the new report which judges the school to be good in all key judgements.

I would like to congratulate all children, staff, governors and parents as we continue on our journey of school improvement. Let’s look forward to an outstanding report next time!

A letter from Ofsted to the children is also included in the report.

The report will be publised on the Ofsted website this week.

Best wishes,

Matt Condon

Friday, 1 June 2012

Dear Parents and Carers,

INSET Day (School Closed)

This final staff training day will be on Friday 13th July. We apologise for the delay in announcing this date.

Barton Fields Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

On Sunday 3rd June from 12-4pm at Barton Fields, Duncombe Lane, Speedwell, there will be celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  There will be stalls, food and drink, pony rides, 7-aside rugby and lots more.  There will be an unveiling of a plaque designating the area as a ‘Queen Elizabeth II Field’.


Recently there have been a number of pupils who are arriving late. We are sure you will understand that lateness can be very disruptive to the school day for all children (not just those who are late). Missing the start of lessons means instructions and other essential information will have to be repeated, which will delay the start of lessons and the children’s learning. The school day starts at 8.55am.

 Can I also remind parents and carers that the school day ends at 3.30pm. We appreciate that occasionally children are collected late due to unforeseen circumstances.  However,  it is unacceptable when children are collected late on a regular basis.

 Thank you for your support.

Dean Field Residential Trip for Year 5/6
The deadline for returning slips and deposits has been extended to Monday 18th June. Year 6 get priority on this trip, but after this deadline they cannot be guaranteed a place. If your child has mislaid the letter, please contact the office as soon as possible.

Attendance – the 100%ers

Well done to the following children who achieved 100% attendance this academic year. 

Emmanuel Benny, Catalina Bodnarescu, Edward Brain, Joseph Calloway, Jane Campos, Kwame Hartley, Jade Johnson, Belinda Joseph, Ceris Lee, Ruan Lee, Hannah Long, Hannah Maslowski, Ty Mitchell, Bethany Prasad, Talia Scott, David Sebastian, Kamal Smallwood, Stan Smith, Wiktoria Surel, Jaimie Vadhyanath, Jessica Vadhyanath, Aleena Vincent, Allen Vincent, David Wabissa, Vanessa Wabissa, Emily Webb and Owen Webb.

 There will be a special treat for these children on Tuesday 26th June.

Also, a big well done to all the children who had great attendance but didn’t make 100%. The Ofsted Inspectors were really impressed with the school’s attendance overall.

Attendance – Last Week

Well done to Mrs Ford’s and Mrs Patton’s classes with 99% attendance last week!  Their class will have a non-uniform day. Also well done to Mrs Mantle’s class with 97% attendance. All non-uniform dates will be published in the newsletter.

Parents to read with Children

We are trying to organise a group of parents who will be able to come into school to read with children on a regular basis. We will be providing some simple training so that parents are familiar with the reading strategies taught in school and used by children. All regular volunteers will need to complete a CRB check, which will be paid for by the school. Please let Mrs Slade know if you are able to offer your help and when you are available.

Newsletter Language Translation

Translation for our newsletter is now available on our online Newsletter Blog in many different languages. Translation is also available on the School Blog.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday June 11th at 9.15am where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s award:

Jakub Wawrowski, Dariusz Franczak, Catalina Bodnarescu, Norbert Kulesza and Jennifer Eubebeagu.

Tuesday 12th June                            -                       Class Photographs
Wednesday 13th June                    -                       Year 1 Topic Presentation
Wednesday 13th June                     -                       New Parents Evening
Friday 15th June                                -                       Y4J and Y5P Festival of Nature visit
Wednesday 20th June                    -                       Year 4 Topic Presentation
Thursday 21st June                           -                       Year 2 and 5P Topic Presentation
Thursday 21st June                            -                       Y6 Leavers Mass at Clifton Cathedral
Friday 22nd June                               -                       Y5/6 Class Assembly           
Wednesday 27th June                     -                       Y6 ‘Moving On’ Bristol Cathedral
Thursday 28th June                           -                       Y3M Roman Museum visit
Monday 2nd July                               -                       School Governing Body meeting
Thursday 5th July                               -                       Sports Day (am)
Wednesday 11th July                       -                       Year 3 Topic Presentation
Thursday 12th July                            -                       Year 5/6C Topic Presentation
Friday 13th July                                  -                       INSET DAY
Thursday 19th July                             -                       Leaver’s Mass and end of school year

Best wishes,

Matt Condon