Friday, 29 June 2012

Dear Parents and Carers,            

School Dinners

Problems in the kitchen have now been resolved and normal school meals will resume on Monday 2nd July.

Staffing Update

As well as Mr Sherwin leaving our school this summer, we are sad to announce that Colin and Kay Pitt will be retiring at the end of this term. Colin has been the school caretaker for the last 6 years whilst his wife Kay has worked as a school cleaner for an amazing 27 years! We wish them all the best in their retirement.

However, we are happy to welcome our new caretaker Mr Nick Buck to the school team. Nick will be working alongside Colin in July, before taking over fully as caretaker in September.


Well done to Mr Conlon’s class with 98% attendance. Next Friday 6th July, Mrs Ford’s class will be able to wear non-uniform for their 99% attendance.

A special treat for 100% attenders was planned for earlier this week.  Unfortunately it had to be cancelled and will be rescheduled for later this term.

Medical Appointments
If possible (I am aware that some appointments can only be made on the day), could you please inform the teacher in writing in advance if your child has a medical appointment during the school day.

Sports Day

Sports Day is on Tuesday 10th July in the morning, depending on the weather.  This is when it would be really helpful if we had all mobile numbers so we can text parents if it has to be cancelled.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 2nd July at 9.15am where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s award:

Harvey Hill, Areeba Rasul, Jackson Marley, Tejal Sebastian, Carolina Eubebeagu, Ruby Webber, Gabriel Matorres, Wiktoria Surel, Oliver Wiercioch-Giles and Alvin George.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 2nd July                               -                       School Governing Body meeting
Tuesday 10th July                              -                       Sports Day (am)
Wednesday 11th July                       -                       Year 3 Topic Presentation
Thursday 12th July                            -                       Year 5/6C Topic Presentation
Friday 13th July                                  -                       INSET DAY
Thursday 19th July                             -                       Leaver’s Mass and end of school year

Best wishes,

Matt Condon

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