PTFA Book Fair Week - Book Fair Week begins next Monday and will run to Friday 22nd June. Thank you to all the volunteers for helping to run the book fair. Each year the book fair provides lots of books for children to read in school. The book fair will be open after school each day.
Extended School Club - We have a new Extended School Club starting in September for Year 1 to Year 6 pupils, both before and after school. The Club will start at 8.00am to the start of Registration, and then from 3.30pm to 5.00pm. The costs are £2.00 for a morning session and £2.50 for the afternoon session. For further details, please contact the School Business Manager via the school office or email
Texting to Parents - We are trialing texting to parents, and would like to up-date all mobile numbers. If you have changed your mobile could you please let the office know by Monday 18th June.
First Holy Communion - Can the governors, staff and pupils of St Joseph’s wish all the children receiving their First Holy Communion on Sunday a happy and holy day. First Holy Communion Mass is at 10am.
PTFA Sumer Fayre - Regrettably, the PTFA Summer Fayre has been cancelled this year due to insufficient support from adult helpers. Thank you to the parents who did offer to help out this year.
Keep Fit Classes - Get in shape for summer! This fun and effective exercise class is back for a new term. Easy to follow class that will burn fat, tone and shape legs, bums, tums and arms. Every Tuesday in the school hall at 6.30-7.30pm - £4.00 per class. For more information contact Lucy on 07901716105 or
Music Tuition - A letter was sent home recently regarding music tuition for September. If you wish your child to either continue receiving music tuition or start learning an instrument, please could you ensure that you return the slip to the school office by Friday 22nd June.
Topic Presentations - These are short presentations where the children tell the story of their learning in their most recent topic. In the summer we also invite parents into class, following the presentation, for 20 minutes to look at their child’s work. Because Mr Sherwin’s class did not do this in this week’s presentation, parents are invited to come into class next Friday at 3pm so that they can look at books with their children.
Y5P and Y2F Topic Presentations - Mrs Patton and Mrs Ford’s Topic Presentations have been postponed to Tuesday 26th June, at 9.10am.
Attendance – Last Week - Well done to Mrs Rollings’ class with 99% attendance which means their class will have a non-uniform day soon. Also well done to Mrs Ford’s and Mrs Patton’s class with 98% attendance and Mr Conlon’s and Mrs Bell’s class with 97% attendance. All non-uniform dates will be published in the newsletter. Mrs Ford and Mrs Patton’s classes will have a non-uniform day next Friday 22nd June for achieving 99% attendance.
Attendance – This Year - Well done to Mr Conlon and Mrs Bell’s classes with an outstanding overall attendance of 97% for this academic year. Overall the schools attendance has improved this year to over 96%. Well done everybody!
Past Pupil Success - Sarah Gossan (a former pupil) has just been awarded a first class honours degree in Astrophysics from Cardiff University and was also awarded top of year. Sarah will now be taking up a place in August to do a PhD at the Californian Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Los Angeles to further her passion for Astrophysics.
Celebration Assembly - There will be a celebration assembly on Monday June 18th at 9.15am where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s award: Robyn Halliday, Eddie Brain, Evie Attwood, Mathews Manuel, Sam Iles, Joseph Calloway and Maciej Oledzki.
These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards: James Ayton-Lambourne, Emily Webb, Laura Apperley
Dates for Diaries
Wednesday 20th June - Year 4 Topic Presentation
Thursday 21st June - Y6 Leavers Mass at Clifton Cathedral
Friday 22nd June - Y5/6 Class Assembly
Tuesday 26th June - Year 2 and 5P Topic Presentations
Wednesday 27th June - Y6 ‘Moving On’ Bristol Cathedral
Thursday 28th June - Y3M Roman Museum visit
Monday 2nd July - School Governing Body meeting
Tuesday 10th July - Sports Day (am)
Wednesday 11th July - Year 3 Topic Presentation
Thursday 12th July - Year 5/6C Topic Presentation
Friday 13th July - INSET DAY
Thursday 19th July - Leaver’s Mass and end of school year
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