Friday, 21 September 2012

Dear Parents and Carers,

Parent Governor Vacancy

The governors are seeking applications from parent/carers for the above role.  A vacancy has arisen due to the resignation of Mrs Karon Attwood who has been a very valuable member of the governing body and will be missed.  We wish her well as she takes on further professional development.

What is the role of Governors? -What are they for?
Governors are a group of twelve people with a keen interest and commitment to support the education and spiritual development of all pupils.

Responsibilities Include:
  • Development strategic plan for school.
  • Determining aims, policies and priorities of the school.
  • Setting targets.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the work of the school.
  • Appointment of staff and involvement with budget monitoring.
  • Ensuring health, safety and well being of school community.

Governors are not responsible for the day to day management.  This role remains with the staff and senior management.

For further information please contact the school office with your name and contact number and a governor will be able, and willing, to answer any questions.

Thank you - Mrs Shelagh Williams (Chair of Governors)

Dinner Money

Please could you ensure that all dinner monies are paid on a Monday either to your childs class teacher or the school office. I would grateful for your help in this matter, as we collect the money on behalf of Bristol City Council and they collect the dinner money on Tuesday morning.

Dean Field Study Centre

The next instalment of £30 is due on Monday 1st October.  Could you please remember to bring you payment card when paying.  We still have a few places available for Year 5 and Year 6.  Please let us know if your child is interested before Friday 28th September, as we will be giving up the spare places to another school.

School  Uniform

A reminder that school uniform is ordered through Initially Yours, and their email address is .  Their telephone number is 0117 9673847.

Autumn Fete - As you will all know, we have decided to hold an Autumn Fete on Friday, October 12th from 3.30 - 5.30pm.

We will, however, need a bit of help to support the children on the stalls and help in the book shop. If you have an hour to spare on Friday 12th can you please let us know either via the office, on our Facebook page (search for St Josephs school PTFA) or email at


There will be non-uniform day on Friday 5th October, for every child who brings in an item for our tombola on Friday 12th October.  The theme this year is, Jubilympics.  Please bring in a red, white or blue item that can be used as a small prize on the tombola.

After School Clubs

Payment for all after school clubs has to be paid for in advance.

Term Dates - Term and holiday dates for the 2012-13 school year.

Term 1 Monday 3 September to Wednesday 24 October 2012
Term 2 Monday 5 November to Friday 21 December 2012
Term 3 Monday 7 January to Friday 8 February 2013
Term 4 Monday 18 February to Friday 22 March 2013
Term 5 Monday 8 April to Friday 24 May 2013
Term 6 Monday 3 June to Wednesday 24 July 2013

Prospective Parents Tour

We have arranged tours for prospective parents for September 2013 on Friday 28th September at 10.00am and Wednesday 3rd October at 2.00pm.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 24th September, at 9.15am where the following children will receive their headteachers award: Samuel Toye, Olivia Jim. Kai Drysdale, Areeba Rasul, Mia Hood and David Wabissa.

These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards:  Ollie Louch, Marco La Porta, Ty Mitchell, Ben Underhill, Nuala Wallace, Daniel George and Melvin Mathew.

Dates for Diaries

Thursday 27th September                -                       The Big Assembly Choir at the Colston Hall
Friday 28th September                     -                       Prospective parents tour
Monday 1st October                       -                       Full Governing Body meeting
Wednesday 3rd October                -                       Prospective parents tour
Wednesday 17th October             -                       Year 5 visit to Bristol Council House (changed date)
Friday 12th October                         -                       Y1 and Y2 Playspace
Friday 12th October                         -                       Jubilympics non uniform day
Friday 19th October                         -                       Harvest Mass
Wednesday 24th October              -                       End of Term 1
Monday 19th November                -                       INSET Day (school closed)
Monday 4th-8th February                -                       Deanfield Studies Centre visit for Year 5 and 6

Best wishes,

Matt Condon

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