Friday, 14 September 2012

Dear Parents and Carers,

Mac Jeffery 

As announced last week, Mac, ex-Headteacher of St Joseph’s, passed away recently:

On Friday August 31st, Mac died at the age of 61 in Bath Royal United Hospital.  He had been living with ocular melanorma cancer for 11 years.

Mac was one of five brothers of the Jeffery family from Keynsham for whom his passing is a sad loss.  This is especially the case as it follows so soon after the death of his parents Sybil and Des.

Mac was educated at St Brendan’s College in Bristol.  He took a degree in Economics at Birmingham and went on to become a teacher.  In l981 he returned to Bristol where he became Head Teacher of Mangotsfield Primary and then St Joseph’s Primary School (where he had taught as Deputy Head Teacher before).  He was much respected by all those involved in education in the Bristol area.  Following his early retirement, Mac continued his positive involvement in education.  He joined ‘Health Creation’ and specialised in promoting the wellbeing of Teachers and Head Teachers by the establishment of supportive programmes for schools.  He also became actively involved with ’Penny Brohn Cancer Care’ and was well known for his presentations and support on behalf of that organisation.

Throughout his life Mac had a great interest in competitive sport.  He played rugby for Bromsgrove RUFC and was a member of Lansdowne Tennis Club in Bath.  He was a keen cyclist and a surfer with a love for the Cornish waves.

Mac and his wife Pam moved to Clutton from Bitton several years ago.  Mac leaves Pam, his two children Duncan ad Anna and three lovely grandchildren with whom he played for many hours. 
The funeral service will be held at Priston Mill on September 18th at 11.00am.

Mary’s Meals 

Mary's Meals Charity is a global movement that sets up school feeding projects in some of the world's poorest communities where hunger and poverty stop children from going to school and gaining an education.
On Monday 24 September Eden Foodservice will donate 10p to Mary's Meals for every school meal served on this day. If you would like to find out more information on Mary's Meals please visit the website

Topic Overviews 

Attached to this newsletter is your child’s topic overview for their current topic.

After School Clubs 

Apologies that no age group was specified in last week’s newsletter.  The year groups are three to six for the school choir.

Here are the clubs starting this term:

Drama -  Monday 17th  September - For Y3-6
Film Club and Choir - Tuesday 11th September - For Y3-6
Gymnastics and Dance – Wednesday 19th September - For Y1-6
Football  - Thursday 20th September - For Y3-6

Autumn Fete 

As we had to cancel the summer fair this year, we have decided to hold an Autumn Fete on Friday, October 12th from 3.30 - 5.30pm. The plans are still at an early stage, but the emphasis will be on children's games and stalls. It also means that instead of holding Book Fair week that week, we will open a 'Book Shop' on the Friday only as part of the fete.

We will, however, need a bit of help to support the children on the stalls and help in the book shop. If you have an hour to spare on Friday 12th can you please let us know either via the office, on our Facebook page (search for St Joseph’s school PTFA) or email at

Prospective Parents Tour 

There will be a tour for prospective parents for September 2013.  The dates are Friday 28th September, at 10.00am and Wednesday 3rd October at 2.00pm.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 17th September, at 9.15am where the following children will receive their headteachers award: Reuben Reji, Mya Sarkozi, Laura Apperley, Jeswin Mathew, Lorenzo Hancock, Izza Chaudhry and Josh Davies.
These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards: Sophie Bristow, Isabella Woodruff, Stephanie Williams, Helene Jim, Kai Drysdale and Abbey George

Dates for Diaries

Sunday 16th September                  -                       Parish celebration for Father Joy
Friday 28th September                     -                       Prospective parents tour
Monday 1st October                       -                       Full Governing Body meeting
Wednesday 3rd October                -                       Prospective parents tour
Wednesday 10th October              -                       Year 5 visit to Bristol Council House
Friday 12th October                         -                       Y1 and Y2 Playspace
Friday 19th October                         -                       Harvest Mass
Wednesday 24th October              -                       End of Term 1
Monday 19th November                -                       INSET Day (school closed)
Wednesday 28th November          -                       Y1 and Y2 Westonbirt
Monday 4th-8th February                -                       Deanfield Studies Centre visit for Year 5 and 6

Best wishes,

Matt Condon

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