Friday, 12 October 2012

Dear Parents and Carers,

Text to Parents

We have sent out 2 texts to parents this week.  If you have not received one could you please contact the office as we probably don’t have your correct mobile number.

Pupil Premium - Free School Meals

The Government is giving money to schools to help children from lower income families do their very best. This funding is called a ‘Pupil Premium’. For every child registered at St Joseph’s, the school gets £619.00 this year. This is expected to significantly increase next year.

With this money we could organise more individual tuition, increase Teaching Assistant support and improve learning opportunities in lots of other ways. If you are registered for Free School Meals you could also get support for school trips and have help with after school clubs.

If you think you might be entitled to free school meals, please contact the school office.

Camp Meeting

A meeting is planned for all parents on Monday 22nd October at 3.45pm. Important information will be shared so we would like all parents and carers of children going on camp to attend.

Mandarin Chinese Language Lessons

These special lessons are being taught by a parent, Mrs Johnson, and will start on Thursday 18th October between 3.30 and 4.15pm. Space is very limited as we only have 8 places for children in Years 1, 2 and 3. Please contact the school office if you would like to book a place. There will be no cost for this club.

Purple Mash

Purple Mash is a great fun and creative online learning resource which is available to all children at St Joseph’s.
To access this great website visit, enter user as pupil@c46524 and the password is fig3. We think the website is great but please let us know if this resource is useful at home.

Pupil/Parent Concerns

As always if you have any concerns regarding your child/children’s welfare or learning at school, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with their class teacher. As Headteacher, I am always available to discuss concerns if they of a very serious nature, or if you feel your concerns have not been addressed by the class teacher. Please contact Mrs. Slade if you would like to make an appointment to see a class teacher or myself.

Monies coming in to school – a reminder

A big thank you to parents and carers who helped us this week by bringing in monies on Monday or Friday.
In order to increase efficiency and in an effort to reduce the amount of time spent on cash collection and administration, please could parents be reminded of the following procedure when money is being sent into school:
·         All money needs to be in a sealed envelope clearly marked with -
o        the name of your child
o        class
o        amount enclosed
o        reason for the payment - e.g. which trip/after school club/dinner money etc.
·         The exact money needs to be given – the school office is unfortunately not able to give change as no cash float is held.
·         The completed form needs to be returned along with any payments.
·         All dinner money payments need to be made on a Monday of each week.
·         All payments can be given to your child to pass to his/her class teacher.
·         If you wish to come into school to pay, then payments can be received by the school office on Monday and Friday only.

I have instructed the Admin Team to only accept cash following these procedures.


Well done to Miss Phillips and Mrs Ford with 98 attendance last week%. All classes that get 99% or 100% attendance get a special non uniform day as a reward.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 8th October at 9.15am where the following children will receive their headteachers award:
Rosemary Manoj, Nuala Wallace, Micah Gayle, Rochelle Christian, Carolina Eubebeagu and Beatrice Dumbuya.

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 16th October                      -                       Year 5 visit to Bristol Council House
Thursday 11th October                      -                       Parents evening
Friday 12th October                           -                       Y1 and Y2 visit to Playspace
Friday 12th October                           -                       Non uniform day and Autumn Fete
Monday 15th October                       -                       Parents evening
Tuesday 16th October                      -                       Year 5 visit to Bristol Council House
Tuesday 16th October                      -                       Year 5 visit to Bristol Council House
Friday 19th October                           -                       Harvest Mass
Monday 22nd October                      -                       Year 5/6 camp meeting
Wednesday 24th October                -                       End of Term 1
Monday 19th November                   -                       INSET day – reading focus (school closed)
Monday 10th December                   -                       INSET day – maths focus (school closed)
Friday 8th February                            -                       INSET day – assessment focus (school closed)
Monday 4th-8th February                  -                       Deanfield Studies Centre visit for Year 5 and 6      

Best wishes,

Matt Condon

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