Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Dear Parent/Carer,

Inset Day

Apologies, but the INSET Day planned for Friday 8th February and published in last week’s newsletter, will no longer take place on this day. A new date to be confirmed as soon as possible. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Bonfire Night Menu

The school menu for Monday 5th November to celebrate Bonfire Night is: Oven Baked Sasuages or Cheese and Tomato Pinwheel, with Baked Beans, Peas and Sweetcorn or Seasonal Mixed Salad, Freshly Baked Bread, Oven Baked Mixed Potato Wedges or Fiery Tomato Pasta.  For dessert it’s Catherine wheel with Chocolate Sauce, Treacle Flapjack or Seasonal Fruit Platter.

School Security
Unfortunately we still have parents trying to access the school from entrances other that the main school entrance. Can I please remind you that PARENTS MUST ONLY ENTER THE SCHOOL THROUGH THE MAIN ENTRANCE! Children or staff must not open any outside doors for anyone. Children must also exit the school via allocated doors – not the main school entrance.

Up-Dated E-Mail Addresses
If your email address, telephone number, mobile number or address has changed, could you please let the office know.

Remembrance Assembly

Mrs Bell’s class assembly is on Friday 9th November.  All parents are welcome.


Well done to Mrs Ford and Mrs Bell’s classes with 99% last week.  Also Mrs Patton with 98%and Miss Phillips with 97% attendance.

Mrs Patton’s, Mrs Ford’s and Miss Phillips classes will have non-uniform on Friday 9th November for good attendance.  Mrs Bell’s class will have non-uniform on Thursday 8th November.

Date for Diaries

Monday 5th November                        -                       Term 2
Friday 9th November                            -                       Rememberance Assembly Y6B
Monday 19th November                      -                       INSET day – reading focus (school closed)
Monday 10th December                      -                       INSET day – maths focus (school closed)
Monday 4th-8th February                       -                       Deanfield Studies Centre visit for Year 5 and 6
Wednesday 20th February                    -                       Life Skills Year 6

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