Friday, 22 February 2013

Dear Parent/Carer,

Important Health and Safety Concern – Trim Trail

This week a child was injured whilst using the trim trail after school. Children must not use this equipment unless they are supervised by a member of school staff.

Topic Presentations

Year 6 will be talking about their topic in assembly on Monday at 9.10am. Parents and carers are invited to this presentation.

Clothes for a Cause

Well done to everyone who supported ‘Clothes for a Cause’. £167.05 was raised for charity.

Sustrans Big Pedal Virtual Bike Race Competition

Next Thursday 28th February is Big Pedal Bike Competition Day where children, parents and staff can cycle or scoot to school.  More information coming next Wednesday.

Updated Contacts/Medical Conditions

If your child’s contact details, medical or dietary conditions have changed, could you please let the office know as soon as possible in order for us to update our records.


Welll done to Miss Phillips and Mrs Ford’s classes with 97% and Miss Holman’s class with 98% attendance.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Friday 1st March, at 9.15am where the following children will receive their headteacher’s awards:

Anna Raju, Anisa Rasul, Harry Barton, Olivia Woodruff, Lachontay Barrett and Irene Raju.

These children will receive Superstars Sports Awards:  Pawel Wisniewski, Shaan Singh, Izza Chaudhry, Nile Thomas and Oscar Johannson.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 25th February                    -           Y6 Topic Presentation
Wednesday 20th March                 -           Years 3 and 4 Topic Presentations
Monday 25th February                   -           Full Governing Body meeting
Monday 4th-8th March                    -           World Book Day Fun Week Menu
Thursday 7th March                        -           Parents’ Evening, 4-6.30pm
Monday 11th March                       -           Parents’ Evening, 4-6pm
Friday 8th March                              -           Y3 Mother’s Day Assembly
Monday 11th March                        -           Year 5 Topic Presentation
Friday 15th March                            -           Reception Assembly
Monday 18th March                        -           Year 2 Topic Presentation
Tuesday 19th March                        -           St Joseph’s day and Easter Mass in church
Friday 22nd March                          -           End of Term 4
Monday 13th May                           -           KS2 SATs week

Best wishes

Matt Condon


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