Friday, 22 March 2013

Dear Parents/Carers

Caretaker of the Year

We are nominating our Caretaker, Nick Buck, for the Annual Bristol Caretaker of the Year award, to be presented in June.  You can strengthen our chances of recognising our fantastic Caretaker by going online and voting here: 

Music Tuition

Music tuition will resume the first week back after Easter.

After School Clubs – Athletics and Cricket

After School Clubs will start the second week back (week beginning 15th April, 2013). Athletics will run on a Wednesday and cricket will run on a Thursday. These clubs will be open to children in Y1 to Y6.

If your child would like to attend any of the After School Clubs, please contact the school office for a Parental Consent Form, which will need to be completed and returned with money prior to the first session. Unfortunately, for safeguarding reasons, children will be unable to join without the school receiving their completed consent form.


Well done to Mrs Bell’s class with an outstanding 100% attendance last week.  Also Mrs Joseph’s class with 97% attendance. Mrs Bell’s class will be able to wear non-uniform (a date to be confirmed).

Dates for Diaries

Monday 8th April                                          -           Start of Term 5
Tuesday 9th April                                           -           Y3 educational visit to Folley Farm
Thursday 11th April                                                Year 6 SATs parents information evening           
Monday 13th May                                       -           KS2 SATs week
Friday 24th May                                             -           INSET DAY     

Best wishes and have a very happy Easter

Matt Condon




Friday, 15 March 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

Year 6 SATs parents information evening

On Thursday 11th April we would like to invite all parents of pupils in Years 5 and 6 to a special information session. In this session we will be talking to parents about the expectations in SATs assessments, explaining more about how parents can support their child at home so that they do their very best and achieve well. This session will start at 5.30pm and last for approximately 1 hour.

Cake sale

There will be a cake sale on Tuesday 19th March in the hall at 3.30pm. Any donations of cakes will be most welcome.

Summer fair - July 6th

A big thank you to all of the people who have offered to help at the summer fair this year. However, we still need 5 more volunteers to help at the summer fair on 6th July, between 1-4pm. If you can spare the time, please let Andrea or Sharon know, or leave your name and number at the office. Please help - the summer fair is a big fund raiser for the school, and also a great afternoon for the children.  It would be a shame to have to cancel it. Thanks.

After School Clubs – Athletics and Cricket

After School Clubs will start the second week back (week beginning 15th April, 2013). Athletics will run on a Wednesday and cricket will run on a Thursday. These clubs will be open to children in Y1 to Y6.

If your child would like to attend any of the After School Clubs, please contact the school office for a Parental Consent Form, which will need to be completed and returned with money prior to the first session. Unfortunately, for safeguarding reasons, children will be unable to join without the school receiving their completed consent form.

Bikes, Scooters, Scateboards

Could you please remind your children that when they ride bikes and scooters to school, they must remember to take them home at the end of the day. We are not responsible for them if they are left overnight.


Welll done to Mrs Ford and Mrs Bell’s classes with 99% attendance last week.  They will be able to wear non-uniform, a date to be confirmed. Also congratulations to Mrs Joseph’s and Mrs Patton’s classes with 97% attendance.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 18th March, after the Y2 Topic Presentation, where the following children will receive their headteacher award: Maya Buckler, Kayleigh Allen, David Sebastian, Jessica Sawers, Meigan Westlake, Anique Sergeant, Own Webb, Lena Smith and Marlen Fernando.

The following children will be receiving sports awards: Ruby Bradley, Alana Cowell, Emily Webb, George Stenner, Abbey George and Natalia Franczak.

Dates for Diaries

Monday 18th March at 9.10am                 -           Year 2 Topic Presentation
Tuesday 19th March at 9.30am                 -           St Joseph’s day and Easter Mass in church
Tuesday 19th March                                    -           PTFA cake sale
Wednesday 20th March at 9.10am           -           Years 3 and 4 Topic Presentations
Friday 22nd March                                      -           End of Term 4
Tuesday 9th April                                           -           Y3 educational visit to Folley Farm
Thursday 11th April                                                Year 6 SATs parents information evening           
Monday 13th May                                       -           KS2 SATs week
Friday 24th May                                             -           INSET DAY     

Best wishes

Matt Condon




Friday, 8 March 2013

Dear Parents/Carers,

School monies – a plea from Mr Condon (on behalf of the Admin Team)

At St Joseph’s we aim to provide high quality provision for children and families. This includes such provision as after school clubs, our extended school and music tuition. However, in recent months the admin team are spending an increasing amount of time chasing payments for these activities which have not been paid on time. We also have an increasing problem with dinner monies not being paid for. Not only is this costing the school a significant amount of time (which all costs money), but the school is also owed a significant amount of money by some parents which should be spent on learning for all our children.

If you are in arrears for any of these payments can you please pay the school as soon as possible. If we do not receive payments soon, we will again be writing to parents, before passing these debts onto Bristol City Council who will retrieve these debts on our behalf. Can I thank the majority of parents who support the school by making payments on time.

Summer Fair - July 6th

Following a poor showing at the PTFA AGM this week, we are a little concerned that we will not have enough adult help at this year's summer fair. We need at least 12 adults to make it a successful, safe and enjoyable afternoon for the children. If you can spare a few hours on July 6th, we would be most grateful. If we have not had enough offers of help by the end of term we will have to cancel it once again, which will be a huge shame. If you can help, let Andrea of Sharon know, or leave your name and number at the office. Many thanks.

Secondary Transfers

These are the secondary schools Year 6 pupils will be going to in September:  St Mary Redcliffe:  6 children, St Bernadette:  6 children, St Bede’s:  2 children,  Oldfield:  2 children, Mangotsfield:  2 children, John Cabot:  2 children, Fairfield: 1child, Downend:  1 child, Colston’s:  1child, Bristol Met:  4 children, Bristol Cathedral:  2 children and Bristol Brunel:  4 children. We hope that all our Year 6 pupils are excited about going to their future secondary schools!

Year 6 SATs parents information evening

On Thursday 11th April we would like to invite all parents of pupils in Years 5 and 6 to a special information session. In this session we will be talking to parents about the expectations in SATs assessments, explaining more about how parents can support their child at home so that they do their very best and achieve well. This session will start at 5.30pm and last for approximately 1 hour.


Welll done to Miss Holman’s, Mrs Joseph’s and Mrs Bell’s classes with 98% attendance.

Asthma UK

On Friday Y4J counted the money raised during their sponsored activity day last month.  They raised a whopping £392.81 !  Thanks to all the sponsors.  Watch out for other events Year 4 will be doing to raise even more for their class' chosen charity Asthma UK.

St Joseph’s Pre-school are holding a QUIZ NIGHT! Saturday 16th March from 7pm

Enter teams of up to 6 people at £2 per person. Bring a friend or come alone and make some new ones!! ALSO includes a Tombola plus other fun and games! Filled rolls, cakes, plus soft drinks and snacks will be on sale. BYO alcohol! Come along and join the fun!

Eat Right, Look Good and Feel Great

All parents and friends of St Josephs are invited to join Fitness First in the school hall on Tuesday 12th March at 9.30am for a healthy lifestyle workshop.

Are you are interested in top tips on healthy eating and regular exercise?  Yes? Then come and join our qualified fitness staff for a 30 minute information session followed by 30 minutes of  exercise. Please do not worry if you have not exercised before or for a while as the class is designed for everybody to follow. If you are a regular exerciser then we will have options to give you a more challenging workout. This is a free session with coffee included.  Don't forget to wear comfortable clothes to exercise in. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly next Monday 11th March at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteachers award:- Oliver Kelliher-Swash, Sophie Bristow, Charlotte Petrie, Laura Smith, Carolina Eubebeagu, Michal Oledzki, Jessica Vadhyanath and Nathan Long.

The following children will be receiving sports awards: Melanie Lyon, Austin Saji. Maddy Turvery, Melita Teny, Amber Walton, Allen Vincent, Martyna Oszwaldowska, Joel Shelvi, Alexander Aliyath, Luke Briones and Jeleil Manmohan.

Parking on Chatsworth Road

Local residents have complained that parents taking their children to school are parking across driveways and blocking access. Please be considerate to our neighbours and do not park across driveways or lanes.

Red Nose Day 2013 – Friday 15th March

On this day children can make a contribution of 50p and wear something red. There will be some fun activities taking place in school to raise money for Comic Relief. Please try and participate in some (or all) of them!

Dates for Diaries

Monday 11th March                                   -           Parents’ Evening, 4-6pm
Monday 11th March at 9.10am                  -           Year 5 Topic Presentation
Tuesday 12th March                                     -           Fitness First – Eat Well and feel Great
Friday 15th March at 9.10am                     -           Reception Assembly
Friday 15th March                                         -           Red Nose Day
Monday 18th March at 9.10am                  -           Year 2 Topic Presentation
Tuesday 19th March at 9.30am                 -           St Joseph’s day and Easter Mass in church
Wednesday 20th March at 9.10am           -           Years 3 and 4 Topic Presentations
Friday 22nd March                                       -           End of Term 4
Tuesday 9th April                                           -           Y3 educational visit to Folley Farm
Thursday 11th April                                                Year 6 SATs parents information evening          
Monday 13th May                                       -           KS2 SATs week

Monday, 4 March 2013

Dear Parent/Carer,

Statement from Eden Foodservice

Eden Foodservice is pleased to confirm that there has been no trace of horsemeat found in any of our meals.  Naturally this is a matter we have taken seriously and undertook testing to establish that no horse DNA is present in any meat products served in Bristol schools.

Eden Foodservice has robust due diligence processes in place with suppliers and has only been serving products made with fresh British Red Tractor accredited beef from a single slaughterhouse and processing plant in Shrewsbury.  This facility handles all aspects of the livestock slaughter, meat processing and packing onsite without any contact with imported meat or external foodstuff.  This means the quality of the meat is guaranteed and that all livestock entering the plant can be traced back to the UK farm of origin.

Eden foodservice is completely satisfied that every step has been taken to ensure the integrity of our food chain.

World Book Day – 7th March – 2013

World Book Day is a day set aside every year to celebrate reading, books, authors and illustrators. It is held in more than 100 countries around the world.  A key aim of World Book Day is to give every child in the UK a book of their own to keep.  Every child is eligible to receive a £1.00 World Book Day Token which can be exchanged for one of eight exclusive books, or if you prefer, £1.00 off any book costing more than £2.99.  Participating bookshops will be displaying World Book Day posters and notices in their windows.  The children will be coming home with a book token today which is valid until the 24th March, 2013.

Eat Right, Look Good and Feel Great

All parents and friends of St Josephs are invited to join Fitness First in the school hall on Tuesday 12th March at 9.30am for a healthy lifestyle workshop.

Are you are interested in top tips on healthy eating and regular exercise?  Yes? Then come and join our qualified fitness staff  for a 30 minute information session followed by 30 minutes of exercise. Please do not worry if you have not exercised before or for a while as the class is designed for everybody to follow. If you are a regular exerciser then we will have options to give you a more challenging workout.

This is a free session with coffee included, don't forget to wear comfortable clothes to exercise in. Looking forward to seeing you there.


There seems to be an increase in children arriving late. May I remind parents that pupils should be in school between 8.45am and 8.55am. If your child arrives after 8.55am they will be classed as late, and after this time all pupils must come through the main entrance and report to the office.


Welll done to Miss Holman’s class with 97% attendance last week. 

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday, 4th March at 9.15am where the following children will receive their Headteacher’s awards:

Bethany Prasad, Oscar Johannson, Evelyn Buchannan, Philip James, Rebecca  Davies, Alana Cowell, Lena Smith and Angus Wallace.

Red Nose Day 2013 – Friday 15th March

On this day children can make a contribution of 50p and wear something red. There will be some fun activities taking place in school to raise money for Comic Relief. Please try and participate in some (or all) of them!

Dates for Diaries

Monday 4th-8th March                    -           World Book Day Fun Week Menu
Thursday 7th March                        -           Parents’ Evening, 4-6.30pm
Friday 8th March                              -           Y3 Mother’s Day Assembly
Monday 11th March                       -           Parents’ Evening, 4-6pm
Monday 11th March                        -           Year 5 Topic Presentation
Tuesday 12th March                         -           Fitness First – Eat Well and feel Great
Friday 15th March                            -           Reception Assembly
Friday 15th March                             -           Red Nose Day
Monday 18th March                         -           Year 2 Topic Presentation
Tuesday 19th March                        -           St Joseph’s day and Easter Mass in church
Wednesday 20th March                 -           Years 3 and 4 Topic Presentations
Friday 22nd March                          -           End of Term 4
Monday 13th May                           -           KS2 SATs week

Best wishes

Matt Condon