Year 6 SATs parents
information evening
On Thursday 11th April we would like to invite
all parents of pupils in Years 5 and 6 to a special information session. In
this session we will be talking to parents about the expectations in SATs
assessments, explaining more about how parents can support their child at home
so that they do their very best and achieve well. This session will start at
5.30pm and last for approximately 1 hour.
Cake sale
There will be a cake sale on Tuesday 19th March in the hall at 3.30pm. Any donations of cakes will be most welcome.
Summer fair - July 6th
A big thank you to all of the people who have offered to
help at the summer fair this year. However, we still need 5 more volunteers to
help at the summer fair on 6th July, between 1-4pm. If you can spare the time,
please let Andrea or Sharon know, or leave your name and number at the office.
Please help - the summer fair is a big fund raiser for the school, and also a great
afternoon for the children. It would be
a shame to have to cancel it. Thanks.
After School Clubs –
Athletics and Cricket
After School Clubs
will start the second week back (week beginning 15th April, 2013). Athletics
will run on a Wednesday and cricket will run on a Thursday. These clubs will be
open to children in Y1 to Y6.
If your child
would like to attend any of the After School Clubs, please contact the school
office for a Parental Consent Form, which will need to be completed and returned
with money prior to the first session. Unfortunately, for safeguarding reasons,
children will be unable to join without the school receiving their completed
consent form.
Bikes, Scooters, Scateboards
Could you please remind your children that when they ride
bikes and scooters to school, they must remember to take them home at the end
of the day. We are not responsible for them if they are left overnight.
Welll done to
Mrs Ford and Mrs Bell’s classes with 99% attendance last week. They will be able to wear non-uniform, a date
to be confirmed. Also congratulations to Mrs Joseph’s and Mrs Patton’s classes with
97% attendance.
Celebration Assembly
There will be
a celebration assembly on Monday 18th March, after the Y2 Topic
Presentation, where the following children will receive their headteacher
award: Maya Buckler, Kayleigh Allen, David Sebastian, Jessica Sawers, Meigan
Westlake, Anique Sergeant, Own Webb, Lena Smith and Marlen Fernando.
The following children will be
receiving sports awards: Ruby Bradley, Alana Cowell, Emily Webb, George Stenner,
Abbey George and Natalia Franczak.
Dates for
18th March at 9.10am - Year 2 Topic Presentation
19th March at 9.30am - St
Joseph’s day and Easter Mass in churchTuesday 19th March - PTFA cake sale
Wednesday 20th March at 9.10am - Years 3 and 4 Topic Presentations
Friday 22nd March - End of Term 4
Tuesday 9th April - Y3 educational visit to Folley Farm
Thursday 11th April – Year 6 SATs parents information evening
Monday 13th May - KS2 SATs week
Friday 24th May - INSET DAY
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