Friday, 22 March 2013

Dear Parents/Carers

Caretaker of the Year

We are nominating our Caretaker, Nick Buck, for the Annual Bristol Caretaker of the Year award, to be presented in June.  You can strengthen our chances of recognising our fantastic Caretaker by going online and voting here: 

Music Tuition

Music tuition will resume the first week back after Easter.

After School Clubs – Athletics and Cricket

After School Clubs will start the second week back (week beginning 15th April, 2013). Athletics will run on a Wednesday and cricket will run on a Thursday. These clubs will be open to children in Y1 to Y6.

If your child would like to attend any of the After School Clubs, please contact the school office for a Parental Consent Form, which will need to be completed and returned with money prior to the first session. Unfortunately, for safeguarding reasons, children will be unable to join without the school receiving their completed consent form.


Well done to Mrs Bell’s class with an outstanding 100% attendance last week.  Also Mrs Joseph’s class with 97% attendance. Mrs Bell’s class will be able to wear non-uniform (a date to be confirmed).

Dates for Diaries

Monday 8th April                                          -           Start of Term 5
Tuesday 9th April                                           -           Y3 educational visit to Folley Farm
Thursday 11th April                                                Year 6 SATs parents information evening           
Monday 13th May                                       -           KS2 SATs week
Friday 24th May                                             -           INSET DAY     

Best wishes and have a very happy Easter

Matt Condon




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