Friday 13 June 2014

Dear Parent/Carer,

Sun Protection

The weather is currently wonderful which means the children have been able to use the school field more often. We advise that all children have a sun hat in school at all times. If you wish your child to put on sun cream in school, we also advise they have this in school everyday, again clearly labelled with their name. They will need to put their own lotion on, so it might be better applying before school.
Sandals can be worn by children when the weather is hot and dry. Apologies as this was not made clear in a recent newsletter. Children should not wear sandals at other times as the playground is often wet.

School Crossing Patrol

We would like to ask that parents and carers remind their children that the crossing will be unmanned until the Road Safety Officer is able to recruit another School Crossing Patrol.  We will keep you updated.

Rubber bands/bracelets

Recently children have been making their own rubber bracelets and bringing them into school. This is mostly a fun and creative hobby but the policy is that children should not wear jewellery and such items have caused some disruption and distraction in class. Following discussion with staff and children I have decided to allow children to wear these bands into school as long as they are taken off before children enter class. Children can wear them at playtime, but again must take them off before class.

If their presence becomes disruptive in class we may have no alternative but to ask children to not bring them into school.

Summer Parish Fair

As interest in a school summer fair has been minimal, the school will instead be supporting the parish summer fair. We are still however asking for volunteers who would like to be involved in supporting this parish event. If you are able to help out, in any way, however small, please let the school office or Mr. Condon know. Thanks to the parents who have already offered their support.

Pre-school Events

Babies' and Children’s Nearly New Sale in St Joseph’s Church Hall this Saturday - 14th June 2014 , 3pm to 5pm. Adults £1.00, children free (Entrance fee towards preschool resources).

Tables are available to book at £8.00. Please call Cathy on 0117 9147173  Mon-Fri 9-5 or 9401782 after 6pm. Cakes and Tea/Coffee/Squash also available.

‘Get ready for Summer’ Ladies Pamper Night is on  Thursday 19th June from 7pm till 10pm. This will include the opportunity to book mini treatments such as massages, facials and manicures as well as browse the various stalls selling Jewellery, beauty products and other treats. Tickets £4 each to include nibbles and a drink. Bring all your friends!! (Know a Therapist? Tables also available to book at £10 each – please see Cathy). Some Therapists available to book in advance – reserve your time slots now!!

Community Fun Day

There will be a Community Fun Day at Duncombe Lane, Speedwell, on Saturday 21st June 12.00-4.00pm, (entrance free).  There will be lots of activities such as face painting, a fun dog show, stalls, balloon show, play workers, tag rugby, emergency vehicles, Dr Bike, Aikido display, marching band, food, inflatables, and lots more.  Family disco from 4.30pm

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 16th June at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteacher's award:  Eva (YR), Nelson (YR), Teia (YR), Charlie (YR), Melvin (Y2), Robyn (Y2), Harry (Y6), Harvey (Y4), Philip (Y1), Janice (Y1), Benjamin (Y3) and Jaimie (Y3).

A swimming award will also be awarded to Emily in Year 6.

Dates for Diaries

Thursday 19th June                          -           Leaver’s Mass at Clifton Cathedral
Wednesday 25th June                    -           Year 5 Sports Day at St Brendan’s
Thursday 26th June                           -           Year 4 Outdoor Experience Day to Kenfig Reserve
Saturday 28th June                           -           Parish Summer Fair
Sunday 29th June                              -           First Holy Communion
Tuesday 1st July                                 -           New parents evening
Wednesday 2nd July                        -           Sports Day
Thursday 3rd July                               -           Y3 rip to Chepstow Castle
Monday 7th July                               -           Year 1 Topic Presentation
Tuesday 8th July                                -           Mass for Catholic Education (7pm at the Cathedral)
Wednesday 9th July                         -           Year 2 Topic Presentation
Friday 11th July                                 -           Year 4 Topic Presentation (change of date)
Friday 11th July                                  -           Reports to parents
Friday 11th July                                  -           Y1 and Y2 Noahs Ark          
Monday 14th July                            -           Year 3 Topic Presentation (change of date)
Wednesday 16th July                       -           Afternoon Y6 performance
Wednesday 16th July                       -           Year 5 Topic Presentation
Thursday 17th July                            -           Evening Y6 performance 
Tuesday 22nd July                              -           End of school year
Friday 26th September                   -           Staff training day (school closed)
Friday 3rd October                           -           Staff training day (school closed)

Yours sincerely,                                        


Matt Condon


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