Friday, 14 November 2014

14th November, 2014

Dear Parents/Carers,

Book Fair
We are planning a Book fair for the week beginning 24th November. This is an opportunity to buy great Christmas presents. The commission we receive from sales goes straight back into the school, providing books for our newly refurbished school library.
To help make it an even greater success, we would really appreciate any parents who are available to run the Book Fair for 20 minutes after school. The more help we get the more books we can buy! Without any help we will open the Book fair on Friday (and children will look at books during the week), but it would be great to open on some other days too.
School Crossing Patrol Vacancy

Are you looking for a part-time term time only job?  Could you help school children attending St Joseph’s RC Primary get to school safely? There is a vacancy at our school!

The pay is currently £6.44 an hour and we pay 10 hours per week, this is annualised so you get paid every month.  Full training and uniform will be provided.  This is a term time only role so you get all school holidays off. 

If you are interested or would like more information please contact Frances Dansie on 9224464 or 07500120320.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Parking in the Local Area

Can I please ask all parents and carers to be considerate towards residents who live in the local area when they drive and park their vehicles.  It can obviously be very frustrating to local residents when they are unable to access driveways or if the road is blocked by cars dropping off children. Can I also remind everybody that dropping children off in the middle of the road is also very dangerous.

Website and Online Newsletter

Just a reminder that the school Blog (online diary) and the weekly newsletter are available via the school website (the address is on the letterhead).  

If your email address, mobile or home address has changed, please let the school office know.


Well done to the following classes with their attendance last week:

·         Y1 with 99%
·         Reception and Y2 with 98%

Year 1 will have a special non-uniform day on Friday 21st November.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 17th November at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:   Madeleine (YR), Hollie (YR), Joseph (Y1), Cerys (Y3), Praise (Y6) and Aian (Y2).

Dates for Diaries

Tuesday 18th November                             -           Y6 camp meeting
Thursday 20th November                            -           Full Governing Body Meeting
Friday 21st November                                  -           Netball competition – Y5/6 (certain children)
Tuesday 25th November                             -           Y5/6 Boys football completion (certain children)
Monday 24th November                             -           Book fair week (any help appreciated!)
Wednesday 26th November                      -           Year 1 and Year 2 Topic Presentations
Saturday 29th November                            -           Parish Christmas Fair
Monday 1st December                               -           Year 3 Topic Presentation/Celebration assembly
Wednesday 3rd December                        -           Year 4 Topic Presentation
Wednesday 3rd December                        -           Year 4 class mass
Monday 8th December                              -           Year 6 Topic Presentation/Celebration
Thursday 11th December                        -           Infant Nativity – 2.30pm
Thursday 11th December                           -           Christmas Lunch
Friday 12th December                                -           Infant Nativity – 9.30am
Wednesday 17th December                      -           Carol Concert in Church
Thursday 18th December                            -           Infant Christmas Disco
Friday 19th December                                 -           Christmas Mass in Church
Friday 19th December                                -           End of Term 2
Monday 5th January                                   -           Start of Term 3
Wednesday 7th January                             -           Year 5 topic presentation (change of date)
Monday 2nd February                                -           Staff training day (school closed)
Friday 17th July                                             -           End of school year

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon,

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