Friday, 21 November 2014

Dear Parents/Carers,

Children in Need

Well done to everyone who supported Children in Need.  £194.00 was raised.

Infant Christmas Disco
The deadline for the Infant Christmas Disco is Monday 24th November. If you have not already bought your ticket, contact Catherine Ruffles on 07876143832 or Laura Bradshaw-Price on 07792282650.
Parish Christmas Fair – SATURDAY 29th NOVEMBER

St Joseph’s will be holding our Parish Christmas Fair on Saturday 29th November. The school will running its usual stall, so next Friday (28th November) we will have a non-uniform day and ask children go brink in a packet/box of sweets/chocolate for the stall.
We also encourage families to attend - not only are there lots of great things to do and win, but Father Christmas will also be there!

Neighbourhood Policing Awards - a message from PCSO Alison Powell

Thank you to everyone who voted for me in the Neighbourhood Policing Awards. I won PCSO of the year for the Bristol district. I had a great evening so thank you for your votes and support.

Regards, Alison

After School Clubs

If you wish your child to walk home  After School Clubs, could you please let the school have this information in writing. We just want to make sure children are going home safely!

Next week's Book Fair

The book fair will be in school from next Monday. This is an opportunity to buy great Christmas presents. The commission we receive from sales goes straight back into the school, providing books for our newly refurbished school library.
To help make it an even greater success, we would really appreciate any parents who are available to run the Book Fair for 20 minutes after school. Currently one parent has offered help and will be running the Fair with me on Monday and Friday. With more help we could open after school on other days too and get even more books for the library! Children will be looking at the books during the week.
So to clarify, currently the Book fair will be open to parents after school next week on Monday and Friday.

Well done to the following classes with their attendance last week:

         Y1 and Y2 with 99%
         Y4 and Y6 with 98%

Y1 and Y2 will have special non-uniform days on Wednesday 3rd December.

Team Points

Well done to St Matthew's Team who won the team points competition last term. They will have a special non-uniform day on Monday 1st December.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 24th November at 9.15am, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:   Joann (Y2),  Blake (Y1)), Wanessa (Y1), Areeba (Y4), Zachary (R), Maria (Y6), Godwin (Y3), Lionel (Y3) and Keanna (Y3).

Dates for Diaries

Monday 24th November                             -           Book fair week (any help appreciated!)
Monday 24th November                             -           Book fair open to parents after school
Tuesday 25th November                             -           Y5/6 Boys football completion (certain children)
Wednesday 26th November                      -           Year 1 and Year 2 Topic Presentations
Friday 28th November                                 -           Non-uniform day for Parish Fair (bring in sweets!)
Friday 28th November                                 -           Book Fair open to parents after school
Saturday 29th November                            -           Parish Christmas Fair
Monday 1st December                               -           Year 3 Topic Presentation/Celebration assembly
Monday 1st December                               -           St Matthew non-uniform day
Tuesday 2nd December                              -           Choir to Cabot Circus
Wednesday 3rd December                        -           Year 4 Advent Assembly (date changed)
Wednesday 3rd December                        -           Year 4 class mass
Thursday 4th December                              -           Y1 and Y5 trip to St Fagan’s
Thursday 4th December                              -           Y2 trip to Fishponds Library
Monday 8th December                              -           Year 6 Topic Presentation/Celebration
Thursday 11th December                            -           Infant party in morning
Thursday 11th December                            -          Infant Nativity – 2.30pm
Thursday 11th December                           -           Christmas Lunch
Friday 12th December                                -           Infant Nativity – 9.30am
Monday 15th December                            -           Year 4 Topic Presentation (date changed)
Wednesday 17th December                      -           Carol Concert in Church
Thursday 18th December                            -           Infant Christmas Disco
Friday 19th December                                 -           Christmas Mass in Church
Friday 19th December                                -           End of Term 2
Monday 5th January                                   -           Start of Term 3
Wednesday 7th January                             -           Year 5 topic presentation (change of date)
Monday 2nd February                                -           Staff training day (school closed)
Sunday 28th June                                         -           First Holy Communion in Church
Friday 17th July                                             -           End of school year

Yours sincerely, 

Matt Condon

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