Friday, 2 October 2015

Dear Parents/Carers,

New Headteacher

The Governors are pleased to announce that, following a rigorous interview procedure involving the LA, Diocese, pupils and panel of Governors, Mrs Jackie McCarthy was appointed as Headteacher from January 2016. Mrs McCarthy is currently Headteacher of St. Nicholas of Tolentine Primary School in Easton.

We are confident she will build on the excellent work of Mr Condon’s leadership.

Shelagh Williams. Chair of Governors.

Parents E-Safety Training

We will be running some E-Safety training for parents on Wednesday14th October. It will be held in the computer room after school and will involve a short online activity. We will be providing childcare if needed. We expect the session to last about half an hour.

Foundation Governor Vacancy

A Vacancy has arisen for a Foundation Governor.   For further information please contact Fr Paul or the school office with your name and contact number and a governor will get back to you.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Year 6 are proud to announce that they raised £555.02 at their Macmillan coffee morning and fun afternoon.  This amazing sum of money will make a real difference to those suffering with cancer and to their families. Well done Y6!!


Can I remind all parents that we cannot offer direct supervision of children until 8.55am nor after school (unless children are with the Extended School Club) when children are in the playground (or hall if wet). This means that whilst we always aim to have a member of staff available, we cannot watch every child, and cannot offer direct supervision of your children, until they are collected by their class teachers.

Secondary Transfer 2015/2016

The deadline for applying for a secondary school place for your child is by 31st October 2015.  It’s easiest to apply online at  If you want to complete a paper application please contact School Admissions at Romney House, Bristol City Council, PO Box 3176, Bristol BS3 .

British Food Fortnight

Children will be bringing home today an activity sheet promoting healthy eating. Children that complete the activities, and bring back to the school kitchen, will receive a special sticker.

Medical Appointments

Please can I ask parents to avoid booking any medical or dental appointments in school time. If these appointments are unavoidable then please inform the school in writing, in advance.

Primary School Place for 2016-2017

If your child was born between 1st September 2011 and 31st August 2012, you will need to apply for a school place by 15th January 2016.  The easiest way to apply is online using the email address above.

Reception 2016

The Additional Form for Reception 2016 will be available from the office on Monday 28th September. The closing date for applications is January 15th 2016. It is very important that if you apply online, you wait for online confirmation of your application. Also, the New Parents’ Tours for children starting in September 2016 are Wednesday 30th September at 2.00pm, Wednesday 7th October at 10.00am and Thursday 15th October at 2.00pm.


Well done to Y3 with 98% attendance last week.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 29th September, where the following children will receive a headteachers award:-   Sophie (Y4), Bogdan (Y2), Lamoiya (Y5), Beatrice (Y6), Natasha (Y6), Hector (Y3) and Esme (Y1).

Super Stars:  Madeleine (Y1), Shayne (Y2), Ellie (Y6), Jerin( Y4), Salvatore ( 6), Dominic (Y5), Amber (Y5), Jessica (Y3) Adam (Y3) and Philip (Y3).

Dates for Diaries

Wednesday 30th September at 2pm                       -           Prospective parents tour
Wednesday 30th September                                    -           Full Governing Body meeting
Thursday 1st October                                                 -           Individual photographs
Wednesday 7th October at 10am                          -           Prospective parents tour
Thursday 8th October                                               -           Parents Evening – 4-6.30pm
Monday 12th October                                              -           Year 2 Harvest Assembly
Tuesday 13th October                                               -           Parents Evening – 4-6.00pm
Tuesday 13th October                                               -           Choir performing St Georges Brandon Hill
Wednesday 14th October                                         -           Y6 Synagogue visit
Wednesday 14th October                                         -           Parents E-Safety session after school
Thursday 15th October                                              -           Choir performing at St Mary Redcliffe
Thursday 15th October                                              -           Y2 trip to Westonbirt Arboretum
Thursday 15th October                                              -           Y3 trip to Bristol Museum      
Thursday 15th October at 2pm                               -           Prospective parents tour
Wednesday 21st October                                         -           End of Term 1
Monday 2nd November                                            -           Start of Term 2
Monday 2nd November                                            –          Mass for All Saints in school hall
Tuesday 3rd November                                              -           Y1 Playspace trip
Friday 6th November                                                 -           Y2 Playspace trip
Thursday 12th November                                           -           Reception and Y1 trip to @-Bristol  
Friday 13th November                                               -           INSET (school closed)
Wednesday 2nd December                                      -           Choir to Cabot Circus
Wednesday 16th December                                            Carol Concert in church at 2pm
Friday 18th December                                               –          Christmas Mass in Church
Friday 18th December                                               -           End of Term 2
Thursday 26th May 2016                                            -           INSET (school closed)

Yours sincerely,

Matt Condon


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