9th October, 2015.
Dear Parents/Carers,
A reminder about the Foodbank donations
for Monday’s Harvest Assembly: Items needed are tinned carrots/peas/sweetcorn,
tinned meat, tinned soup, tinned rice pudding, custard, rice, UHT (long life)
orange and apple juice, sugar, instant coffee, sponge puddings and chocolate
Items not needed are opened, old, out of
date or very dented items as Foodbank have to throw these away. Foodbank also have plenty of pasta, baked
beans, breakfast cereal and tinned tomatoes.
Please bring in any donations for Year
2’s Harvest Assembly on Monday when we will be presenting Andy from Foodbank with
all the food.
Parents E-Safety Training
We will be running some
E-Safety training for parents on Wednesday14th October. It will be
held in the computer room after school and will involve a short online
activity. We will be providing childcare if needed. We expect the session to
last about half an hour.
done to Y2 with 100% last week, as well as Y6 with 99% and Y1, Y3 and Y5 with
98%. Well done to Year 2 who will
have a special non-uniform day on Friday
16th October.
Celebration Assembly
There will be no celebration
assembly next Monday as it is Year 2’s Harvest Assembly.
Booking a place at Extended School Club
increasing number of our Extended School Club sessions are now full.
Therefore we want to remind you that we cannot
accept a child to an Extended School Club session if they have not booked in
advance. Booking forms can be collected from the office and should be
returned as soon as possible.
are sometimes able to accept short notice bookings by phone but this will
depend on spaces available and cannot be guaranteed. For late bookings of
morning sessions you must have confirmed if a space is available with Mrs
Martin by the end of the previous day at the very latest. For afternoon
sessions please ring before 2pm on the day to see if there are any spaces
available. The more notice we have the more likely we will be able to find
a space for your child.
you know in advance that your child won’t be able to attend a pre-booked
session then please let us know as soon as possible as this may free a space up
for someone else’s child. We will not charge you for sessions that are cancelled
in advance but if your child doesn’t attend a pre-booked session and we are not
informed then you will still be charged.
Reception 2016
The Additional Form for
Reception 2016 will be available from the office on Monday 28th September. The
closing date for applications is January 15th 2016. It is very important that
if you apply online, you wait for online confirmation of your application.
Also, the remaining New Parents’ Tours for children starting in September 2016
are in the dates for diaries.
Newsletters by email
are spending over £500 a year printing out Newletters. We also find lots
of Newsletters never find their way home as they end up on the playground or
pavement. In order to save money and the environment we would like to
encourage parents to receive their weekly newsletter by email. We will be
able to spend the money saved on extra
resources for your children to use in school (e.g. an extra 100 books for our
library)! If we have your email address we have therefore emailed you
this week’s newsletter. If you haven’t received a copy then it may be
that we don’t have a correct email address for you, if this is the case the
please fill in your details below.
will continue to print a few copies of the newsletter and will leave them in
reception each week or if you still want to request a paper copy then please
let us know by filling in the slip below and returning it to the school
office. Thank you.
Dates for Diaries
12th October
Year 2 Harvest Assembly
13th October
Parents Evening – 4-6.00pm
13th October
Choir performing St Georges Brandon Hill
14th October
Y6 Synagogue visit
14th October
Parents E-Safety session after school
15th October
Choir performing at St Mary Redcliffe
15th October
Y2 trip to Westonbirt Arboretum
15th October
Y3 trip to Bristol Museum
15th October at
Prospective parents tour
21st October
End of Term 1
2nd November
Start of Term 2
2nd November
- Mass
for All Saints in school hall
3rd November -
Y1 Playspace trip
6th November
Y2 Playspace trip
12th November
Reception and Y1 trip to @-Bristol
13th November
INSET (school closed)
2nd December
Choir to Cabot Circus
16th December
- Carol
Concert in church at 2pm
18th December
Christmas Mass in Church
18th December
End of Term 2
26th May 2016
(school closed)
Yours sincerely,
Matt Condon
you want to help the school save money and the environment by receiving the
newsletter by email and we don’t have the correct contact details for you then
please complete this form:
Child’s name___________________________________________________________
Child’s name___________________________________________________________
Child’s name___________________________________________________________
email address is:________________________________________________________
mobile phone number is: _______________________________________________
tick box to order a paper version of the weekly school newsletter
Please return slip to the school office
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