5th February, 2016
Dear Parent/Carer,
E.Safety – KS2
‘Unique Voice’ E.Safety KS2 Parent
Assembly on Tuesday 16th February – 3.00-3.30pm.
E.Safety Performance – KS1
There will be an interactive
performance assembly for KS1 pupils on Monday 15th February, where
they will experience a journey with Daisy, who ahead of receiving her new iPad
is taken into her own digital dream world as she learns how to be safe online.
First Holy Communion
There will be a parents meeting for
those whose children will be taking their First Holy Communion this year. The meeting will take place this Sunday in St
Joseph’s Pre School after the 10.00am mass.
The meeting will last approximately 30 minutes.
Lost Property
We have lots of
unclaimed lost property in the blue box in the entrance foyer. Can I ask
parents, carers and children to check the box, if they have lost anything, as
all contents will be recycled at the beginning of next term.
Parking in the
Local Area
Parking a bit further away means nobody should need to
park on the zig-zag lines. We've also had complaints that parents are blocking
our neighbours in because they are parking across residential drives. Please
consider others who are unable to access driveways
or are held up if the road is blocked by cars dropping off children. Can I also
remind everybody that dropping children off in the middle of the road is also
very dangerous.
Well done to Y2 and Y4 with 99% attendance last week. Also Y1 with 98%.
Celebration Assembly
There will be no celebration assembly
on Monday 15th February.
Friday 5th February - End
of Term 3
Monday 15th February - Start
of Term 4
Monday 15th February - E.Safty KS!
Tuesday 16th February - E.Safety KS2
Wednesday 24th February - Y6
Thursday 25th February - Parents evening 4.00-6.30pm
Monday 29th February - Parents evening 4.00-6.00pm
Friday 26th February - Y3 Assembly
Friday 11th March - Y1 Assembly
Friday 18th March - Columbus Singing Festival
Thursday 24th March - End of Term 4
Monday 11th April - Start of Term 5
Friday 15th April - Reception Assembly
Monday 9th May - Year 6 SAT week
26th May 2016
- INSET (school closed)
27th May 2016 - INSET (school closed)
27th May - End of Term 5
Monday 6th
June - Start of Term 6
1st July - INSET (school closed)
4th July - INSET (school closed)
22nd July - End of School Year
a lovely half term.
Mrs McCarthy,
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