Friday, 19 February 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

Year 4 

We are pleased to let you know that Mr Thwaites will be the Year 4 class teacher, taking over from Mrs Ashton when she goes on Maternity leave at Easter. Mr Thwaites will teach the class from 11th April until Mrs Darvill returns on 9th May.  Mrs Darvill will be their teacher for the remainder of the year, supported by Mr Thwaites on Fridays. 

We are hoping Mr Thwaites will be able to join Mrs Ashton at parents evenings so you will have the opportunity to meet him then.

Temporary Teaching Assistant

There is a job vacancy for a Temporary Teaching Assistant with SMSA duties from 14th March until the end of the school year (22nd July). 9am-1pm Monday to Friday term time only plus inset days. Deadline for applications is 12 noon on Thursday 25th February. Application by CES application form available from CES website or from the school office. 


There seems to be an increasing number of pupils who are coming to school late. If lateness becomes persistent your child will miss a significant amount of teaching time. Continued lateness causes disruption to the class teacher and the other pupils who are already engaged in the first lesson of the day. Similarly, there are many pupils who are being collected late at the end of the day.  The school day finishes at 3.30pm. 

Bikes, Scooters, Skateboards

A recent Health and Safety review has recommended that children should not ride bikes, scooters or skateboards on the playground. Due to the confined space and number of adults and children, there is a high risk that children or adults could be injured.

We encourage children and adults to use their bikes and scooters to come to school but ask that they are not ridden on the school site.

Thank you.


Well done to Y5 with 100% attendance last week, they will have a special non-uniform day on Friday 26th February.  Congratulations also to  Y2 with 99% and Y1 and Y3 with 98%

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 22nd February, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:-  Caitlin (Y6), Kayla (Y4), Eissa (Y3), Benjamin (Y5), Teia (Y2), Eva (Y2) and Matthew (R). There will also be an Attendance and Punctuality Draw.

Super Stars: Matthew (R), Tegan (R), Kyreece (R), Maeya (Y2) and Jacks (Y2)

Wednesday 24th February                -                       Y6 Lifeskills
Thursday 25th February                      -                       Parents evening 4.00-6.30pm
Monday 29th February                      -                       Parents evening 4.00-6.00pm
Friday 26th February                           -                       Y3 Assembly
Friday 11th March                               -                      Y1 Assembly
Friday 18th March                               -                       Columbus Singing Festival 
Thursday 24th March                          -                       End of Term 4
Monday 11th April                              -                       Start of Term 5
Friday 15th April                                   -                       Reception Assembly
Monday 9th May                                -                       Year 6 SAT week     
Thursday 26th May 2016                    -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 27th May 2016                         -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 27th May                                  -                       End of Term 5
Monday 6th June                               -                       Start of term 6
Friday 1st July                                      -                       INSET (school closed)
Monday 4th July                                 -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 22nd July                                   -                       End of School Year

Mrs McCarthy,


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