Friday, 4 March 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

Allergy Intolerance Referral Fom

Eden Foodservices strives to provide menus for children with special dietary requirements whenever possible.  Their Allergy Intolerance Referral form is essential to allow the Nutrition Department to provide safe, special diet plans. 

We have recently had a couple of children who have said they are allergic to certain foods.  We are unable to let them have a school meal until Eden’s Allergy Intolerance Referral Form has been completed and Eden have been able to work out a special menu for them – forms can be collected from the school office and need to be signed and stamped/completed by a registered medical professional i.e. Doctor, School Nurse ensuring that the information is accurate.

Lifeskills need your support to win a share of £10,000 awards money in Airbus Community Awards
The Year Sixes visited the Lifeskills Centre last week.  This is a place where children learn how to be safe in real life situations.  It is a fabulous resource for Bristol children that need our help.  In the next few weeks Year Six will be holding a fund-raising day for Lifeskills to help towards keeping it going for other children.  In the meantime, if any parent receives the Bristol Post, you can help now by cutting out coupons from the paper and bringing them into school.

Voting coupons will be printed in the Bristol Post from 22 February until Monday, March 21.
Look out for bonus voting days in the Bristol Post when they will be issuing higher value votes. Please note that photocopied voting coupons will not be counted. You can submit as many votes as you like. The more votes Lifeskills receives, the more chance they have of winning an award, as the top 10 groups with the most votes will all win a share of the prize money.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Team Points

St Matthew's Team received the most team points last term and so will be having a celebration afternoon, led by the year 6 children, this Friday, 11th March.  They can wear their own clothes on that day.

School Playground

The playground upgrading has started and this week we should see new tarmac being laid, most likely beginning Tuesday and Wednesday.  This will mean that the playground will be out of use on those days.  Please take note of any signs.

St Joseph’s Pre-school are holding a PAMPER NIGHT!

On Friday 11th March. 7pm to 10pm in the Parish Hall.
Entry £4 to include a drink and nibbles. First 50 arrivals also get a free Goody Bag!!
Lots of treatments on offer plus pamper goodies to buy. Please do come along for a post Mother’s Day treat!!


Well done to Y2 and Y3 with 99% attendance last week.  Also Y1 with 98%.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 7th March, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award:- Jaspreet (Y3), Alicia (Y2), Clara (Y2), Dominic (Y5) and Alena (Y1).

Friday 11th March                                   -                       Y1 Assembly
Friday 18th March                                   -                       Columbus Singing Festival 
Thursday 24th March                              -                       End of Term 4
Monday 11th April                                  -                       Start of Term 5
Friday 15th April                                       -                       Reception Assembly
Monday 9th May                                    -                       Year 6 SAT week     
Thursday 26th May 2016                        -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 27th May 2016                              -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 27th May                                       -                       End of Term 5
Monday 6th June                                    -                       Start of term 6
Friday 1st July                                           -                       INSET (school closed)
Monday 4th July                                      -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 22nd July                                        -                       End of School Year

Mrs McCarthy,


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