Friday, 18 March 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

Easter week
Next week we the children will be involved in a number of special events to mark the lead up to Easter. Parents are welcome to join us for the following events:

Tuesday 22nd March ~ Palm service (9.10am)
Wednesday 23rd March ~ Retreat day in school remembering the passion of Christ. (whole school reflection at 3.00pm)
Thursday 24th March ~ Passover Meal (1.45pm)

Playground Update
Well, there is good news and bad news!! 

Good News
  • The transformation has begun with some wonderful climbing equipment and a recreation of Weston-Super-Mare in one area. The children are very excited at the prospect of using the new equipment, and so are the staff!
  • Our new Lunchtime Manager, Miss Haste, joined us this week, as did two new lunchtime play assistants; Mrs Dowe and Mrs Perez. They are joining our existing team of Mrs Petela, Mrs Martin and Mr Buck. We are delighted to have an excellent team as we move forward with our plans.  Miss Haste will also be working as a Teaching Assistant replacing Mrs Johnson who is leaving to train to become a Maths teacher.
  • The lunchtime team and all the classroom support staff have started an accredited Level 2 play-work course this involves 4 modules and will help us to really consider how we are going to provide the best lunch and playtime experiences we can.
Bad News

The new tarmac is not of satisfactory quality and will need replacing. We have negotiated that this additional work will not cost the school any more and the work is likely to be done during May half term. We are taking advice from the Diocesan surveyors to ensure any replacement will be of a high standard and do the job.

Down Syndrome International
Down  Syndrome International invites everyone across the word to wear LOTS OF SOCKS  on Monday 21st March to raise awareness on World Down Syndrome Day.

We can do this if we all wear socks, brightly coloured socks, long socks, printed socks, 1 sock…even 3 socks for 3 chromosomes.  If you don’t normally wear socks, then wear them.

The choice is yours, but we ask you to join us wearing something which people will ask you about so that you can tell them all about WDSD.  It is easy to do so whether you are at home, nursery, school, work, play, travel, holiday or anywhere, join in!  Invite all your friends, family and colleagues to do the same.

Fundraising for Lifeskills
Thanks to everyone who came in own clothes and bought cakes at our cake sale on Wednesday.  We raised £263 to help the Lifeskills Centre, Bristol.

After School Clubs
After School Clubs for next term are Cricket on a Tuesday and Athletics on a Wednesday.  They are open to Years 5 and 6 only on a first come first serve basis.

Reception and Y1
After Easter arrangements for Reception and Y1 arriving in school will change.  Parents’ do not need to bring their children into class at 8.45am, they will now need to wait in the playground for the bell at 8.55am, and be led in by their class teacher. 

School Dinner
There will be fish fingers for lunch (instead of roast) on the last day of term (Thursday 24th March)

Easter Sunday Family Mass
On Easter Sunday the 10 o'clock mass will be a family mass with children from the school participating in the mass, and our choir will be singing. We are hoping lots of staff and families will join us for this mass, and Father Paul plans this to be the first of future regular family masses. Watch this space...

The staff and governors would like to wish all our families a very Happy Easter.

Celebration Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 21st March, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award: Maeya (Y2), Sammie (Y3), Hannah (Y5) and all Y4 Class.

Super Stars:  Eoghan (Y2), Hollie (Y1), Dominic (Y5), Ruby (Y3), Claudia (Y6), Shaun (Y1) and Charlie (Y2)

Thursday 24th March                                    -                       End of Term 4
Monday 11th April                                        -                       Start of Term 5
Friday 15th April                                             -                       Reception Assembly
Monday 9th May                                          -                       Year 6 SAT week     
Thursday 26th May 2016                              -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 27th May 2016                                    -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 27th May                                             -                       End of Term 5
Monday 6th June                                          -                       Start of term 6
Friday 1st July                                                 -                       INSET (school closed)
Monday 4th July                                            -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 22nd July                                             -                       End of School Year

Mrs McCarthy,


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