Friday, 15 April 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

Mrs Ashton
We are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Mr and Mrs Ashton’s baby daughter Seren Eve born a month early on Thursday 7th April.  Mother and baby are doing well.

Playground update
The children have had so much fun this week enjoying the new playground, and there is still more to come!!

We have been making decisions about how the new equipment is to be used to ensure children are safe and supervised and so please be aware of the following 'rules'.
  1. Children are not allowed to use the climbing equipment or sandpit before school. This is because there are not adequate levels of supervision at this time.
  2. Parents/carers may allow their children to use the playground equipment after school but will be responsible for supervising them at this time. Children may not jump from the climbing frame out of school hours in case they injure other children.
  3. All children and adults must leave the school grounds by 3.45. This is because staff are busy after school, Mr Buck needs to lock up and we need to know who is onsite after that, to ensure the safety of children and staff who use the building after the school day finishes for the children.
We have developed a playtime policy and all support and lunch staff have completed an accredited Play-worker training course which has helped us to develop a clear approach to play. We have also involved a group of parents and parishioners in this project. This policy is available in the office and will be on the website shortly.

You may find your child brings a bit of sand or wood-chip home with them, or may have the odd bump or graze from some play activity; but we hope you will support us in encouraging children to have fun and active play-times and accept that these minor mishaps are part of children learning about their own abilities and challenging themselves in their play. The benefits of active play are well evidenced and we know children will enjoy the increased opportunities to:
  • Work together, collaborate, and negotiate
  • Face physical challenges and take some managed risks
  • Improved fitness and health
  • Persevere at a task and be resilient
  • Develop their imaginations and creativity
  • Practice their motor control and develop dexterity
  • Have lots of fun

Queen’s 90th birthday - Playground Party
To celebrate the new playground and the Queen’s 90th birthday we are inviting all parents and carers to a Playground Party next Thursday, 21st April from 3.30-4.30. All our families are welcome to stay after school to enjoy the playground, there will be some refreshments available and it will be an opportunity to see the playground in action.

Your child may come in red, white and blue non-uniform on that day. We do hope you will join us.

If you are able to contribute some cakes or a cake, please send them in on Thursday morning to your child’s class. 

We do hope you will join us for this exciting celebration.

School Dinners
There has been a change to the pizza toping on Tuesday.  Instead of minced beef topping it is now cheese and tomato.

School Library
The school library is now open to parents and children every Monday evening from 3.30-4.00pm.

Celebration  Assembly
There will be a celebration assembly on Monday 18th April, where the following children will receive their headteacher’s award: Chinnu (Y6) Lena (Y6), Ibrahim (Y1), Shaun (Y1), Oliwia (Y2),
Harry (Y2), Naomi (Y3) and Helene (Y5).

Super Stars: Jullia (R), Amelia (Y1), Jacob (Y1), Alexandra (Y2), Dashana (Y3), Lena (Y6), Justina (Y1) and Ruby (Y3)
Friday 6th May                                        -                       Y4 to Caerleon Castle
Monday 9th May                                   -                       Year 6 SAT week     
Thursday 26th May 2016                        -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 27th May 2016                              -                       INSET (school closed) 
Friday 27th May                                       -                       End of Term 5
Monday 6th June                                    -                       Start of term 6
Friday 1st July                                           -                       INSET (school closed)
Monday 4th July                                      -                       INSET (school closed)
Friday 22nd July                                       -                       End of School Year

Mrs Jackie McCarthy
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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