Friday, 9 November 2012

Dear Parent/Carer,

A Special Mass for Mac Jeffery, ex Head Teacher of St Joseph’s

There will be a special mass for Mac Jeffery on Sunday 25th November, at 10.00am in the parish church. Mac sadly passed away this August and will be missed by many in the school and parish community.


Well done to all the children who made their confirmation on Wednesday.  It was lovely to see all the ex-pupils and their families celebrating this special sacrament.

Be Bright – Bike It High Visibility Day

A reminder that Thursday we will be having a Bike-It ‘High Viz Day’. The day will include a coffee morning for parents and carers, a bike gear sale and there will be prizes for the best ‘blinged high viz’ bikes.

Morrisons Vouchers

If you or family and friends have any Morrisons Lets Grow Vouchers that you are able to donate to the school, please could you send them in by Friday 16th November at the latest.

Celebration Assembly

There will be a special celebration assembly on Monday 12th November, where the following children will receive their headteachers award: Martyna Oswaldowska, Ty Mitchell, Liam Rice and Alfie Ferris.

Date for Diaries

Thursday 15th November                -                       Sustrans Bike It Event
Monday 19th November                -                       INSET day – reading focus (school closed)
Friday 30th November                     -                       Advent Mass
Monday 10th December                -                       INSET day – maths focus (school closed)
Monday 17th December                -                       Infant Nativity – 2.00pm
Tuesday 18th December                 -                       Infant Nativity – 9.45am
Wednesday 19th December          -                       Carol Service – 2.00pm
Thursday 20th December                -                       Carols around the Tree
Friday 21st December                      -                       Christmas Mass (at 9.30am in the hall)
Friday 21st December                      -                       End of Term 2
Monday 7th January                        -                       Start of Term 3          
Monday 4th-8th February                -                       Deanfield Studies Centre visit for Year 5/6
Wednesday 20th February              -                       Life Skills Year 6







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