Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Be Bright – Bike It High Visibility Day

A reminder that tomorrow we will be having a Bike-It ‘High Viz Day’.

The day will start with a quick parade, with children showing off their ‘High Viz’ bikes. This will be followed by special assembly led by Ian, our Bike-It officer. All parents are welcome to this assembly and afterwards parents are welcome to stay for tea or coffee and have a chat with Ian about how we can make walking and cycling to school easier and safer. Also at 3.30pm, in the playground, there will be a ‘High Viz’ light and vest sale with some really good bargains on offer for the darker winter months.

Any child can wear something bright into school, but it is NOT a non-uniform day. All children are expected to wear school uniform tomorrow.

 We hope that we will see some of you tomorrow.


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